Chapter 10

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I'm fucked . . . . . . 

Absolutely fucked . . . . . . 

The words fail to form on her tongue and for the first time, Yaris was stuttering like an idiot. Not in a cute, endearing way, no, you could see the fear, stress and amazement in her eyes clear as day, not that it would affect her stupid excuse of a father's decisions.

A few moments of wordless noises leaving her mouth, Yaris finally lets out a choked breath, a hand smacking against her leg to collect herself. Gun only watches in amusement, his mind racing as he silently brings a hand to his bruised wrist, that is strangely still yet to heal. His thumb slides over the injury as his tongue drags over his bottom lip giddily.

Yaris finally grows some balls as she steels and collects herself once more, deciding there was no longer anything to lose as she slowly turns and narrows her eyes at her suddenly nervous looking father. Almost as though the man was begging her not to embarrass him, she decides against it as a scowl hardens on Yaris' face.

"You no good mother fucker-"

She mutters out, jaw tense and fists clenching. Gun glances down to her hands, smirking slightly as he sees her knuckles turn white, her face red with rage as the bridge of her nose and corners of her eyes scrunch up. Pieces of hair stick to and frame her face from sweat, and having been damp from a prior shower.

"You fucking moron! YOU-"
She cuts herself off, sucking in a harsh breath and clamping a hand over her mouth as she looks away. Her foot taps against the flooring rapidly, and her shorts hug her legs in a secure way, a piece of fabric that contributes to her overall hatred for life. Her rage was uncontrolled, and the disbelief weighed in heavy as she realised the man had just doomed her to a life of gang fights and crazy plotlines.

Her father, looks to Maria who stands aside, The woman held clearly curious and fearful look on her face as she looks Gun up and down, the same reaction with his daughter, this causes the man to grunt in an attempt to regain control as he steps towards his daughter.

"You will obey me, do you understand?" His voice is firm, superficial, and his chin is raised to show dominance. His height over her does nothing to the situation, and the girl was everything but impressed with the man's pathetic attempt at authority.

Yaris stands upright, faced away from the man as she chuckles dryly, before turning back to him. Her eyes move past him and onto Gun, fixating on his black sunglasses in hopes to lock eyes.
The bridge of her nose scrunched up in contempt as she snarls and looks to her father with a menacing aura. The man seems to have flinched momentarily before regaining his composure as his daughter stalks towards him, slow deafening steps. He puffs his chest in an attempt to seem bigger, with no avail as Yaris speak, finally understanding the situation as she spells it out.

"You're a middle class man . . . . . and you're telling me that you-"
She pauses, making an amused expression as she points from her father to Gun sassily.
"Hire him- to babysit ME."

Her finger moves to harshly jab itself into her chest, one of the few attempts to stop her from getting violent as her leg taps against the floor even faster.

Her father opens his mouth to speak, only to be cut off as she snorts and relaxes her body, turning her head towards Gun with a mocking look.
"This asshole babysits a rich bitch." The words fly out and she doesn't matter in that moment.
Gun only tilts his head, raising a brow past his glasses that is ignored by the girl as she continues to speak.

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