Chapter 6

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"Hey dad."
Yaris says monotonously into the phone as she get's onto the bus, her eyes flicking around looking for a seat. 
Finally she pauses, eyes widening as a smile pulls to her face.


Moving forward, she smiles down at the boy.
"Is it okay if I sit here?" Duke freezes, staring at her wide eyed but slowly nodding as she sits herself down.

"Hey kid . . . Maria's pregnant." her 'father's voice sounds' on the other side.

Yaris freezes, letting out a awkward sigh as she grips her side bag to her chest.
"Oh . . . congratulations." Her voice almost sarcastic as she rolls her eyes.
"I won't visit this month Kiddo. I have to take her to the doctors."

Yaris ignores this, her eyes straying on duke's notebook as he solemnly wrote down lyrics. The girl pauses, moving the phone away and talking to the boy.

"Wow, that's a really good song! Did you write it?"

Duke looks taken aback as he stares at her smiling face.
Yaris gasps slightly, waving her arms.
"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to look."

Duke shakes his head quickly before gulping.

"O-oh no! Yes I wrote them . . . "
She smiles at this.
"Seems like you're going to go a lot of places. I better be invited for your first concert *hehe*"
She jokes, making the boy solemnly smile.

"Hello? Yaris? Hello!"

the girl's expression falls as she presses the phone to her ear with a small sigh.
"Sorry about that. Look dad, Can you increase my pocket money? I'm barely getting by, just a few 100 won."

"Aren't you part timing?"

"Yeah I am, but it's not enough dad, you're barely paying for my fees, I'm only getting by cause the Principal pities me."
She groans, rolling her eye at the audacity of the man. Duke side eyes the conversation.

"My priority was your sister and Maria, Yaris you should know that."

"I get that, But you have the money, it won't hurt to help me out would it?"

"*Sigh* I'll check it out. Bye kid"

Stingy MF, hope you stub your toe

The girl doesn't bother responding, instead cutting the call and standing up as the bus comes to a slow halt.
"Bye!" She waves to the boy with a smile before hopping out of the bus.

I could sell some of the clothes Jay gave me, but that just be rude. Besides . . . . Jay gave them to me. Guess I should find another job other than delivering shit.

 . . . . . . .

Daniel was walking in beside Jiho, the girls cooing and gaping at the boy with heart eyes as he shoots them friendly smiles. Behind them, Yaris walks in, her eyes immediately straying to Duke, who was walking around, holding two trays full of food and taking them to a table.
Letting out a sigh, she glances to Daniel and Jiho who stand there staring at the guy in thought.
The girl sets her tray down on a table, walking over to Duke with a toothy grin while stuffing her phone into her jacket pocket.

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