A visit from the west

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''You're smarter than I expected. What say you, daimyo of the Land of Fire? Accept being under the rule of Magog or die here, right now.''

''I accept.''

''Good. There is another matter you could help me with. In regards to my grandmother's family here though few will recognize her. But everyone knows her husband, Madara Uchiha. You can start from there.''

      -Village Hidden in the Leaves-

After the 9 tails managed to escape, the Uchiha clan were relocated to the outskirts of the village. This undoubtedly angered the clan very much and was just the spark to a fire that will be lit much later. The 9 tails was split into yin and yang, going to the 4th Hokage's children respectively. There was also the matter of Minato's other son, Naruto Uchiha. He wanted to take Naruto but Kushina didn't want the child and the Uchiha clan head, Fugaku Uchiha, also didn't allow outsiders adopting a child from the clan. Especially since Naruto was the descendant of Madara.

''For the last time, Minato, no means no.'' Fugaku Uchiha said to Minato, slamming the table in anger.

''But Fugaku, do try to see reason. It's about Naruto's fut-''

''No!'' Fugaku nearly shouted in anger. ''You already sent us to the outskirts of the village. The second Hokage had reduced us to just being police. After all that, if you think I'm going to let you take Madara's last descendant, you're mistaken.''

As the two talked, Minato's secretary came in. ''Excuse me, lord Hokage, there are two people here who would like to meet you. Same for lord Uchiha.''

''Send them in.'' Minato said and the two people came in. From their attire, it was obvious they were foreigners. ''Welcome to the Village Hidden in the Leaves. How can I help you?''

''My name is Rhaegar Blackfyre and this is my wife, Rhaenyra.'' Rhaegar introduced himself and the name caught onto Fugaku's ear.

''Blackfyre? As in Visenya Blackfyre? Madara's wife?'' Fugaku asked.

''Yes. You must be the leader of the Uchiha clan. Pleasure.'' Rhaegar said and shook Fugaku's hand. ''I will be frank as to why I am here. I want to take in my nephew, Naruto Uchiha.''

An argument broke out between Fugaku and Rhaegar till it was decided that they would fight. The winner would keep Naruto for themselves. ''I hope to see you tomorrow, lord Uchiha. Be sure not to invite too many people as I am quite shy in showing my power.'' Rhaegar said and left the office.

''We should inform the council, Fugaku.'' Minato said.

''No. This is a clan matter and only that. The charter strictly prohibits the village leaders from interfering in one clan's business. Good day, 4th Hokage.'' Fugaku then left the office as well.

      -the next day, secret location-

''You don't waste time.'' Rhaegar remarked upon seeing Fugaku. ''I like people who get straight to the point. Makes them excellent soldiers.''

''I see that there are somethings we both can agree on.'' Fugaku said and turned on his sharingan. ''Fire style: great fireball jutsu!'' he shot out a large fireball that went straight to Rhaegar.

The Blackfyre king smirked and then casually swung his sword. The dreaded sword called Mortifer, heirloom to the Blackfyres, cut the fireball in half. Fugaku was shocked to see his fireball cut with such ease. It seemed as easy as breathing to Rhaegar. The Blackfyre king then came to attack Fugaku who managed to dodge the sword swing just in time. Fugaku took out a kunai and fought Rhaegar in a close quarters duel. Ot became clear to Fugaku that Rhaegar was an extremely skilled swordsman without equal and he locked Rhaegar's arm. He managed to get Mortifer away and then slammed Rhaegar on the ground. Fugaku got a kunai but Rhaegar's armor broke the kunai.

Rhaegar kicked Fugaku in the left cheek and got up. The two exchanged fists and Fugaku kicked Rhaegar far away. ''Fire style: fire dragon flame bullet.'' Fugaku shot out 5 dragons and Rhaegar's arms glowed purple. The Blackfyre king shot beams that destroyed the dragons and then he took out his spear. He ran forward, faster than the sharingan could keep track of and then impaled Fugaku. But it was a shadow clone and the clone exploded. ''Multi shadow shuriken jutsu.'' the real Fugaku threw large shuriken at Rhaegar who blew them apart.

''You are quite powerful in conjunction with your intellect but it'll take more than that to make a dragon bleed.'' Rhaegar declared as purple portals opened. Great spears and broadswords with purple flames came out to attack Fugaku Uchiha. The Uchiha clan head managed to barely dodged them and Rhaegar came in to punch him. Fugaku crashed into multiple boulders and coughed out blood.

''Mangekyō sharingan.'' Fugaku muttered as his sharingan became the next level. He was one of the few to achieve this stage of the sharingan. Silver chakra started to surround him in a ribcage and then developed arms. This was the Susanoo.

''The Susanoo. Never thought I'd see one in my lifetime. Powerful to shatter mountains in it's full strength and though impressive, doesn't mean I have counters. My own bloodline, the dark angel.'' Rhaegar's body was engulfed in darkness and his armor changed. Wings came out of his armor and swords of darkness were on Rhaegar's hands. ''Here I come!'' Rhaegar surged forward as swords and spears followed him.

''Yasaka magatama beads

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''Yasaka magatama beads.'' Fugaku's Susanoo threw chakra beads to destroy the weapons just as Rhaegar's strikes met the Susanoo. Fugaku was shocked to see the swords actually able to cut the Susanoo. Fugaku jumped away and shot a massive fireball but Rhaegar tanked the fire. Rhaegar made black chains to trap the Susanoo and purple lights came to life on his hands. He shot them at Fugaku who managed to substitute in time.

Fugaku clutched his eyes in pain from use of the mangekyō and just as he thought Rhaegar was gonna finish him, he did not. ''You know what? I just realized that if I do take Naruto away, I would have no knowledge on how to train him in the sharingan.'' Rhaegar said, finally realizing the flaw in his plan.

''Tch, you figured it out huh?'' Fugaku said, chuckling a bit. ''I won't let any harm happen to him. His mother was a close friend of mine and I look at him like family.''

''I will hold on to your promise.'' Rhaegar said and his armor disappeared. ''It was a good fight, Fugaku. I hope we can have another one soon.''

''I'll hold you on your promise.'' Fugaku replied and accepted Rhaegar's friendship.

                     -4 years later-

''Great fireball jutsu!'' a 4 year old Naruto tried to make a fireball. This was his 3rd try and he only let out a spark.

''Don't push yourself too hard, Naruto. Stay calm and don't stress yourself too much.'' Shisui told his cousin who nodded. The younger Uchiha nodded and practiced once more. Eventually, able to make a big one.

''How's that, big brother?'' Naruto asked.

''Very good, Naruto. Come on, let's get something to eat as a reward.'' Shisui said and the two went to grab a bite.

Naruto Uchiha: the dragon emperor (Rewrite)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora