Chaper 4

169 3 2

Percy POV:

TImeskip 3 months:

"Alex, should we take on another pack of monsters or go take a break for a while."

"Percy, do you really think we should take on another pack of monsters. Personally I think we should take a break. Maybe we get back on the road try not to stay in the same place for too long. You know how staying in one place for too long is."

"Sure Alex"

Alex and I walked over to our car. It wasn't much. Just a simple 4 door hatchback. Seattle was our destination. There weren't too many interesting things on the way to Seattle. However, when we arrived. Well that would be a different story. The Amazons were located there. The thing I was there for is my Pegasus.

You see apparently Blackjack decided to leave all of the campers and head off on his own. It was anyone's guess as to why that happened, but something tells me that he was likely trying to find me.

Regardless of what Blackjack escaped... well probably just left camp there were more pressing matters to deal with. Alex is somewhat a carbon copy of me. He for the most part looks almost exactly like I did on the outside however just a few years younger. Now on the other hand Alex has some heightened senses and his use of ranged weapons is far more superior than mine is however, when using shorter ranged weapons they seem to just not work with him. This was perfect because, should our weapons be for whatever reason changed, we would have somewhat basic knowledge of our newfound weapon. All theoretically of course. One thing Alex has that I will most likely never have is the very very rare thing called brain cells. Complicated I know. Just stick with me on this one...

Surprisingly one of the benefits of having multiple brain cells is slightly higher ranged monster detection senses. So as we started to drive and we got past Vancouver there was something just absolutely driving Alex's sense crazy. The last thing I would want to happen at this very moment in time is a monster attack. Whatever was setting off Alex's internal alarm was either moving out of range and back in range every mile or so, or there were just that many groups. Deciding that this wasn't very optimal considering we both decided to stay on the move and take a break for a while speeding up seemed like the only logical thing at the moment. So... That is exactly what I did. I know I know there are billboards all over the place saying stuff like speed kills. And then there are horrific counts of people who have died somehow relating to speeding. Clearly my low brain cell count was affecting me at the moment. I really didn't care.

The trees whizzed past along with the yellow dotted stripe of the road. Assuming we could get out of the area and into Seattle quickly then we should be able to let our guards down slightly. Most monsters were intelligent enough to avoid places that have high numbers of deadly women such as the Amazons however Alex could sense the packs of something moving forward slightly. Which considering our speed was astonishing.

"Hey Percy, I'm not so sure about this one man." Alex stated.

"What do you mean?" I inquired. 

"I'm just on edge. You know? It's almost like I feel something bad about to happen." He replied.

"Must be your demigod attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is being worked up." I replied without thinking

Alex looked at me with wide eyes from the passenger seat. Then I realized it what had just happened. "Uhhhh..." Alex trailed off.

"What on Earth!?!" I practically shouted. Alex started to laugh as I turned back to focus on driving. We had seen plenty of dead deer out and about along the road on this trip. I couldn't believe that I used a brain cell. I mean it makes sense that after knowing demigod-ish stuff for so long now it would be burned into my memory. But like still, who knows that ADHD is really attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

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