Katara sighs and looks the other way. "This is just going to be a bunch of guys chucking rocks at each other, isn't it?"

"That's what I paid for." Sokka says happily. I roll my eyes. "In the middle of a war, is more fighting really that entertaining?" I ask bitterly. "It is when I don't have to do the fighting." Sokka retorts. "The rules are simple. Just knock the other guy out of the ring, and you win! Round one: The Boulder vs. The Big Bad Hippo!" The apparent 'Boulder' raises his arms and turns around to the cheering of the audience. The Hippo roars.

The Hippo raises his arms in anger and stomps one foot. Momo lowers himself into my arms, fearful. I happily pet him to soothe him. The Boulder fires three rocks. They crash into The Hippo, but he does not move. He catches one piece of rock with his mouth, chews on it and spits it out. Gross. The Hippo jumps up and down, causing the surface of the arena to tilt. The Boulder hereby loses his balance. "Unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen! The Hippo is rocking the boat!"

The Boulder reaches the edge, but saves himself by bending out part of the ring into a small platform. He grabs it and throws it at his opponent, hitting him on the back. As The Hippo turns around to look at him, The Boulder bends up The Hippo's part of the ring, and throws him out on it. The Hippo crashes in the lower area. "The Boulder wins!"

"How about The Boulder? He's got some good moves." Katara suggests. "I don't know. Bumi said I need a teacher who listens to the earth. He's just listening to his big muscles. What do you think, Sokka? (Y/n)?" Sokka doesn't hear, cheering wildly. I nod in agreement. "They all seem to just be reacting to what's in front of them, there is no listening or thought."

"The Boulder versus Fire Nation Man!" Shock fills my features as I see a man come out baring my flag. The crowd boos at the man who is making his way over to the arena on a makeshift earthen bridge, which crumbles away behind him. Sokka loudly boos next to me while giving him a thumbs down. I shrink down in my seat with shame. "Please, rise for Fire Nation national anthem! Fire Lord, my flame burns for thee!" The crowd boos at him again while bombarding him with pieces of rock, much to his surprise. Sokka has a stone cocked back in his hand, ready to throw. "Go back to the Fire Nation!" Anger replaces all other senses. "This is a mockery of my nation." I seethe. "It's just pretend, (Y/n). For the show. Besides, look at what the Fire Nation has done to everyone else. You're being too prideful." Sokka protests.

"Well, then maybe I should just go back to the Firenation with him!" I shout, standing up. Katara rests a hand on my shoulder to make me sit again. "You can't be so loud about that, (Y/n)." I know she's right, but I'm fuming. "I need some air." I'm seeing red as I walk onto the barren streets. Everyone around here is inside watching the spectacle. "Why are you so angry?" A young girl's voice asks. A short girl walks into the light of the lantern I stand under, and I immediately notice her pale eyes. "How did you know that?"

"Even someone deaf could have heard your stomping up those stairs." It feels like a challenge. "So do you just come here to listen to strangers? I suppose you can't see the show like everyone else."

"Ha! I like you. So what are you so mad about?" I shrug, but quickly remember she can't tell. "My friend was just being stupid. My home isn't... a good place to be. He made fun of it, but to me, some part will still call it home."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." She says thoughtfully. "Look, he doesn't have to get it. And you don't need to apologize to anyone. It's your business how you deal with it." If only she knew that it wasn't that simple. That I did have a lot of apologies to make on behalf of my family. "(Y/N)." I introduce. "...Toph. I should get going."

"Yeah, I should get back to my friends. Are you able to get home on you're own?"

"I always do this. The dark has never been a problem for me." She jokes. I smirk. "I won't make it my problem then. See you around." She puts her hand up are a farewell before returning to the darkness. When I go back inside, I see the line up of defeated fighters on the ground.

Blue Eyes {Sokka x Reader} (ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now