"Now a torch, that's a nice prop. It's bright, dangerous, smells manly. But I'm not sure I could carry it off." Sokka says. I roll my eyes, and shake my head. Men are something else. "Hey, what's that guy doing?" Katara asks. With a loud scream, the runner jumps through the float of Kyoshi, causing it to catch fire. The fire spreads rapidly over the whole thing. The villagers chant as she burns, "Down with the Avatar!" I suppress my amusement as the others are entirely shocked. I pat Aang on the shoulder. "So much for appreciation, huh?" The mayor signals to the torch-bearer, who is now on a roof, to throw his torch. The torch-bearer grins as he takes aim and throws his torch right into the eye of Aang's float. The crowd cheers in approval, while Aang looks at his own float burn with a look of pain on his face, closing his own eye.

Katara runs to the front and uses her waterbending to extinguish the flames with water from two large pots nearby. "That party pooper's ruining Avatar Day!" A villager cries at her. Aang looks angrily at the villager. He airbends himself to the top of his own float and lands on the shoulder. "That party pooper's my friend!" He takes off his hat and throws it away to reveal his arrow. I face palm.

"It's the Avatar himself!"
"It's going to kill us with its awesome Avatar powers!"

"No, I'm not, I..." Aang raises his hand. Several villagers run for cover in fear. The villager that spoke throws himself into the audience. Aang looks at his hand and quickly hides it behind his back. "I suggest you leave!" The mayor yells at him, waving him away. "You're not welcome here, Avatar!" I fight my way through to grab the two 'party poopers.' "He's probably right guys, we should just-"

"Why not? Aang helps people."

"It's true! I'm on your side." Aang adds. "I find that hard to swallow, considering what you did to us in your past life! It was Avatar Kyoshi; she murdered our glorious leader, Chin the Great." Aang is shocked by this. "You think that I...murdered someone?"

"We used to be a great society before you killed our leader. Now look at us!" A villager pipes up. "Aang would never do something like that. No Avatar would. And it's not fair for you all to question his honor!" Katara snaps. "Let's tell her what we all think of the Avatar's 'honor'!" He turns around to shake his rear at Aang and blows a raspberry; the villagers cheer in approval. I scoff at this. "Even if she did, it was a past life. You can't judge him in that life for something he doesn't even remember. And now, only he can restore balance." I argue. The mayor clearly disapproves of this, but doesn't get a chance to speak before Aang does. "Give me a chance to clear my name!"

"The only way to prove your innocence is to stand trial." He informs. "I'll gladly stand trial!" Aang seems far too confident, and I wonder how far he's thought this through. "You'll have to follow all our rules. That includes paying bail."

"No problem."


Aang's confident look quickly disappears as he is cuffed with his hands and head stuck in a wooden panel and thrown behind bars. Katara holds her hand before her eyes in shame while Sokka leans against the prison bars, annoyed. I remain stoic. I've noticed I spend a large amount of time simply observing them. "How was I supposed to know they wouldn't take Water Tribe money?" Aang defends. "So some people don't like you, big deal! There's a whole nation of firebenders who hate you. Now let's bust you out of here!" I nod in agreement with Sokka. "I can't."

"Sure you can! A little," he theatrically jumps back and pretends to airbend by blowing air, "swish-swish-swish! Airbending slice! And we're on our way!" He says pridefully. "I think what "Master Swish" is trying to say is that you're supposed to be out saving the world. You can't do that locked up in here." Katara translates. "I can't do that with people thinking I'm a murderer either. I need you guys to help prove my innocence." Aang argues. "It's like I already said, you can't change the actions of your past lives. Nor can you be blamed for them. There isn't time for this."

Blue Eyes {Sokka x Reader} (ATLA)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat