Chapter 16

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Silence surrounded the three of them as Moselle and Andres sat at the kitchen table while Namor stood in the corner never taking his eyes of the old man. Andres would occasionally steal a glance at him, fidgeting his hands in the discomfort of all the attention on him. Namor continued watching him as did Moselle. She had no idea what to say to him. He had disappeared two months ago on his boat never to be heard from again. Moselle recalled all the days she spent searching for him only to come up empty handed.

Her attention was brought up to Andres who cleared his throat as if he was finally ready to speak, only he didn't. Finally, Moselle broke the silence. "Where have you been this whole time?" she asked him. Andres looked at her then back down at his hands. Silence was met again until Moselle slammed her hands on the table in frustration, this made Namor break his attention off Andres and look in her direction. "You disappear for two months and return with no explanation?!" she yelled. "Are you fucking kidding me Andres?"

"Do not speak to me that way!" Andres finally saying something.

"Speak to you that way? I can't believe I'm speaking to you at all! You can't blame me we all thought you were dead."

"I-I can explain, but in time Moselle. I just learned about your father-" Andres began but Namor cut him off.

"Odd enough how did you know about the death of her father?" Namor chimed in. He had started making his way to the table towards Andres. "This is the first time she has stepped foot on this island since I found her. So, tell me old man." Namor said as he closed in on Andres face. "How could you know?"

Namor and Andres stared each other down until Moselle spoke again, this time in a softer tone. "Andres?" She said as she reached out to gently grab his arm, Andres took his eyes off Namor to meet hers. "Please, I need to know what is happening to me." she pleaded with him. Andres watched her eyes, begging for answers. He took a deep breath and dropped his head in his hand. "Oh, my child. I have failed you." Moselle didn't take her hand off his arm. Andres brought his head up looking back to Moselle again. "I should have taken you away when they first found you." Moselle perked up in her seat, she looked at him confused. "What do you mean? Take me away to where?" she asked.

"Back to where we belong." Andres simply replied.


Andres looked at her for a second before gently grabbing her marked arm. The sudden movement made Namor grab his shoulder in a warning. Andres looked up at Namor, "I am not going to hurt her K'uk'ulkan. I just want to see how bad the situation is." Namor loosened his grip on him. He didn't tell him his name. Taking his hand off him, Andres began unwrapping the bandages Moselle had put over her mark. Taking off the final wrap to reveal her arm, Andres had no reaction.

He just looked to Moselle

Then back at her mark. "He's finally found you." Andres said almost to himself.

"Who?" Moselle asked.

Andres looked at her than at Namor. "Ah Puch."

Namor had no reaction, he was already told this by Camazotz. Andres just confirmed his worries. Moselle watched the two of them before asking who Ah Puch was. "He is the God of Death." Namor answered. Moselle swallowed the lump in her throat. The God of Death? What could the God of Death want with her? "I don't understand." Moselle started but Andres began to speak.

"He has been searching for you over a millenia." He said.

"Millenia? A thousand years?" Moselle began to nervously laugh. "He must have the wrong person then, I'm only twenty four-"

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