Chapter 7

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Moselle blinked back in disbelief, the pressure must have got to her head there was no way she was seeing this, not down here. The little girl was clinging to the rocks that her back was pressed against, her eyes wide in terror looking at Moselle who still clung onto the screwdriver. Moselle followed her gaze and dropped the screwdriver immediately; she didn't want to scare the girl more, especially if she is in danger. Raising her hands up as a sign of peace Moselle got down at the small girl's level. "Hi there." she said meekly still keeping a distance from the girl who was now holding her knees to her chest. "I'm sorry I startled you, are you alright?" The girl only looked at Moselle seeming to not understand what she was saying, catching this Moselle held her hand out to her to try to get her to understand that she wasn't going to hurt her. The little girl stared at her hand for a minute before Moselle spoke softly to her again. " I promise I will not hurt you, you can trust me.". With a soft smile Moselle encouraged her to take her hand once again to where the girl must have finally understood.

Taking her hand, Moselle pulled her towards her, away from the rocks. The girl was smaller than Moselle originally thought, she had to be at least ten years old. Her long black hair flowed all over her face brushing against her light brown skin, her small brown eyes staring at Moselle as if she was studying her like she was something extraterrestrial. The girl was still holding Moselle's hand when her watch caught the girl's attention. She slightly lifted Moselle's arm looking at it like it was a lost treasure that had been lost and she was the explorer who finally found it. She also noticed the bruise on Moselle's wrist and touched it gently to not cause her pain.

Moselle couldn't help smile at her, she thought it was cute how she was taking her all in like she was something shiny and new to her. The girl looked up at her and smiled still holding her arm with the watch, "Do you like it?" Moselle asked her but she didn't answer. She kept hold of Moselle's arm as she began to make her way back to the basket of sand dollars, she began to pick up the ones that spilled out, Moselle held the basket for her as she finished recollecting her sand dollars. Once she was done, she took hold of Moselle's arm again and pulled her to follow her.

Moselle could see she wanted her to follow her, but to where? Does she live down here somewhere? Is she alone? A knot began to form in her stomach. She didn't want to leave the girl, but she also couldn't follow her without telling her father what's happened. Getting down on her knees so she was once again leveled to the girl's height to explain that she couldn't go with her just yet, but that she would be back to find her. The small girl's face became sad with Moselle's words, she tugged her arm a little, but Moselle shook her head in response with the lightest smile. The girl began to pout so Moselle took off her watch and gave it to her and promising she will come back to see her, hoping she'd understand. The girl seemed more excited when she got the watch because she smiled so wide at Moselle that she thought her little face would break. With that the girl took her basket and the watch, waved goodbye to Moselle and swam away till she was out of sight. "How am I going to explain this." she said out loud as she tugged at her braid. With the amount of time that had passed Moselle quickly made her way back to the surface, hoping she didn't piss her dad off too much. If anything, she hoped she could find the boat from how far she's swam.

Talokans sun had just rose and his people were already on about their daily habits

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Talokans sun had just rose and his people were already on about their daily habits. Young ones play ulama down in the courtyard while the women and men harvest the gardens. The megaladon head skeleton surrounded him as he sat and observed his people. To keep all this from the surface world above them was and is his only goal no matter what he had to do, the fear of his people being taken or killed from the world above was enough for him take any action necessary, even if it meant burning it to the ground and letting the waters wash away trace of the once surface world he hated so much. With the tense relationship with Wakanda, Namor didn't feel he could rely on its new ruler to keep their truce after he yielded to the Black Panther.

"My K'ku'ulkan." Namors thoughts are interrupted from his general Attuma who was entering the throne room with Namora. Bowing before him, Namor bowed his head in return. "What news do you bring me?" Namor asked in an assertive tone. "My K'uk'ulkan, one of our scouts saw a diver interact with a child of Talokan." Namors eyes shot up in anger, how could a diver get so close to Talokan and he not know of it. "Where is this diver?" he asked Attuma but this time Namora spoke, "It appears after the child left the diver swam back to the surface world."

"Did they harm the child?" Namor asked

"No my king."

Before Namor could ask another question he was brought back by something Namora said. Specifically the word "swam". Since when are divers able to swim in those suits they wear? The divers they've killed in the past are hardly able to move when they kill them, let alone swim. Sensing the heavy silence coming from him, Namora spoke again. "There is more my K'uk'ulkan." she said focusing her gaze on him waiting to speak. Namor waved a hand giving her permission. "This human wasn't wearing a suit, or helmet filled with air like the other ones we have encountered, it seems the diver was swimming freely like we do, breathed water like us." Namora said looking to Attuma then back to Namor.

"Impossible!" Namor boomed. It was impossible for a human to survive that kind of depth without causing damage to themselves.

"My K'uk'ulkan my scout has never made a mistake like this, he swears what he saw was true to his eyes! She swam like one of the people of Talokan and breathed like us."

"She?" Namor said in a confused tone.

"Yes my king it-it seems this diver was a female." Attuma spoke, his eyes peering up at Namor.

"And you are certain of this?" Namor asked with a hint of surprise in his tone.

"Yes, the child told us so."

A girl. Who breathed like his people and could live on the surface world. Taken aback, Namor contemplated there being a possibility that there was another person like him. A mutant. Does she share the same strength as him? The abilities as him? As he thought about this his generals awaited for him to give the orders to track this diver down. Namor giving the order to gather the men to prepare to leave for the site where this was witnessed. Attuma and Namora bowed and made their way to the exit before their king spoke again. "Namora. Attuma. Tell the men they are to bring no harm to this diver. She is to be brought back alive."

Namora and Attuma gave eachother side glances and looked back to Namor, not daring to question him they bow and made their leave. Namor grabbed his spear and prepared himself for what he was possibly going to find. He was bringing this girl back to Talokan whether she wanted to or not. 

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See you next chapter ;)

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