Chapter 1

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The smell of her dad's cooking got Moselle motivated to get ready quickly so she could eat. Rushing to the bathroom to freshen up she takes one look in the mirror and regrets it. Her light brown hair was a mess, her warm ivory skin seemed to have no color at all. The only thing that seemed lively to her surprise were her eyes. Her eyes are a light blue color, so blue her mother always said that God must have put the ocean in her eyes.

The thought of her mother made her sad, Moselle lost her mom a few years ago to a strange sickness the doctors couldn't figure out. Her father was beside himself when she passed, they had met while he worked on the island they lived on now when he was studying a shipwreck, he believed was from the era of the Spaniards looking for the new world.

He was docked and doing work on his boat when he saw her. Her beautiful dark skin shining in the sun, her tight curls bouncing as she walked past him on the dock. Her dad, as her mother told her the story, was so smitten that he missteped and fell in the water. When he resurfaced, he was met with deep hazel eyes staring at him with concern. From there it was all water under the bridge. Moselle and her dad have a close relationship but talking to him about her mother, the love of his life, he lost was difficult. So, she didn't for his sake.

Taking off her pajamas and handkercheif , she jumps in the shower after it finally warms up, in hopes it will wake her. The warm water hitting her skin and letting it run over the bruise which was in the beginning stages of blue and purple. The hot water almost relaxes her to the point of calling it quits and going back to bed. She knows she can't, her dad needs her out with him today on the boat.

Moselle didn't mind though, her going out in the water and doing all the diving for him. Being she was better qualified to do so anyway.

Her dad is a Marine Archeologist, which to Moselle seemed like a pretty boring job. Normally he would have to dive and put this big astronaut suit thing on and look at sunken ships and try to "uncover its mysteries", as her dad would put it. He also studied the oceans currents with things called profiling floats that sink to the bottom and sit there and pick up the flow of the water. Which she will be fixing today. Maybe not so boring, but she would never put on a wet space suit that would mess with her swimming. Not that she needs it.

Her thoughts are interrupted by a soft knock on the bathroom door.

"Moselle? You okay in there?"

It was her dad. Crap how long has she been here?

"Sorry dad!" she said back, "I'll be out in a minute."

"No problem, just wanted you to know breakfast is about ready." he replied.


After practically forcing herself out of the shower she quickly dries her hair and puts it in a loose braid, leaving a few strands on the sides of her face how she liked. Then she applied some moisturizer and then her sunscreen, she carefully rewrapped the handkercheif around her arm again tightly but not too tight to where it caused her discomfort. Taking one last look at herself she looked a little livelier, taking a deep breath she leaves the bathroom and makes her way down the small hallway to the kitchen where her father is making breakfast.

The smell in the kitchen made Moselle's stomach growl. The sweet smell of peppers frying in pan, along with green onions and small pieces of ham was enough to make Moselle's mouth water. Her dad was beating eggs when he noticed her enter.

"Well good morning kiddo" her dad said with a smile, putting down the bowl of eggs and walking up to her and wrapping his big arms around her. He always hugged her in the mornings, she loved her dad's morning hugs. If there was anything she could have forever it would be his hugs.

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