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Song of the chapter:
TBH -Pnd
(Listening is optional ofc)

LUVYASMIN added to their stories 👋

LUVYASMIN added to their stories 👋

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Tagged: @chilly @madders @kennedyalexa ⛳️

TODAY was one of those days, were James and Ben had to drag Yasmin and Kennedy to the golf course. In Kennedy's defence, she was quite good but Yasmin was not so much so she just came to watch instead.

Kennedy looked at her Girlfriend who was in awe." so, are you guys back together yet?" she questioned as she brushed through her hair.

"Barely, we are taking it slow" She sighed as she looked at her baby's father innocently. As much as she wanted them back together after all these years she did owe it to herself to take it slow.

After the four practically scoffed down all the food They parted ways to get home. Once Yasmin and Ben arrived at the house, Ben walked through her newly renovated kitchen, trying to look for snacks as he was always one to get hungry after driving.

Ben and Yasmin spent a romantic and chilled evening together after a day of golfing with their friends James and Kennedy. They changed out of their golf clothes and into something more comfortable, and decided to spend the evening at home.

Yasmin launched herself onto the comfy L shape couch in her lounge area. "Come quick, I'm deprived of touch" she whined. Ben gave her the cheesiest smile as he made his way to the sofa. He crawled on top of her so the space between them was meagre.

They shared a bottle of wine while sitting on the couch and talking about their day. They laughed and joked about their golf game, and Yasmin couldn't help but tease Ben about his swing even though she was considerably worse.

After dinner, they decided to watch a movie. They snuggled up on the couch and Yasmin rested her head on Ben's chest. They watched a romantic comedy and laughed at the silly jokes. During a particularly funny scene, Ben wrapped his arms around Yasmin and kissed her forehead. She looked up at him and smiled, feeling so lucky to be with him.

As the movie ended, they both realized how late it was. They said goodnight and headed to bed..

CHILLY added to their stories👋

CHILLY added to their stories👋

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INAMOR you guys are cuddling when I'm here, stuck in hemel and baby sitting your daughter who won't stop watching the boss baby series..
↳ we love you too🤍

JLINGZ Got me feeling lonely and stuff
↳ we love you really jess

TOPBLASTER19 me and her when😔
↳ sigh, please just link her already smh

THESHADEBOROUGH 💕is in the air

RANDOM If it's not like this I don't want it



-Z🌟- authors note-
- I dearly apologise for the lack of updates what so ever but I also want to say thanks for the support on this Book
-if you like any of the chapters don't forget to give it a

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