She nodded. "I also feel the same towards them."

"I used to have a dog. A Beagle. His name was Monty. I got him when he was only three months old. We used to be inseparable." I uttered without thinking.

"Oh, you had? What happened to him?"

I paused, wondering why I opened it up to her. I totally forgot that it was something that I shouldn't talk about. Sweet had the power to make me open up and show my vulnerable side.

"I lost him."

"You lost him?" her eyes widened. "How?"

"In the forest, ten years ago. I know I shouldn't have brought him camping with me." I answered, saving the details of what really happened that day.

Her shoulders sagged. "Have you tried looking for him?"

"We did. It had been months, but we failed."

"That's so sad," she replied.

We sat on the floor across from each other. My eyes were holding hers. The sexual tension between us, building up.

Damn. She looked so beautiful. Her green eyes turned darker, her cheeks flushed from the heat of the sun, and her plump pink lips too inviting.

These past few days, I'd been trying to stop thinking about her and concentrate on work. But every time I laid down on the bed to sleep, she was always in my mind, even in my dreams. I had the urge to take her in my arms and kiss her again.

I leaned forward, closing the proximity to us. Our faces got closer until we kissed. The first touch of her lips, I felt fire lit up within me, and ignited into flames through my stomach.

"Open your mouth." I whispered, and she parted her lips.

I held her face as I tilted my head to the side, deepening the kiss. My tongue slid inside her mouth, exploring and tasting her.

I ravished her mouth hungrily, and she responded with equal fervor. My hand stroked her waist, going upwards to the side of her breast as my lips transferred to her cheek, then to her neck.

"Oh..." she whimpered, biting her lower lip when I licked the sensitive area behind her ear.

She was so hot and willing, making me so wild for her.

She gasped when my hand captured her breast, over her white cotton shirt, and rolled her already hard nipple with my thumb. I transferred my lips to her neck, licking the length of her neck.

"Oh God, Sebastian, what are you doing to me?" she moaned, her fingers raking my hair, then grabbed my shoulders.

I pulled her up on my lap, straddling me when suddenly, the puppy barked so loud. We tried to ignore it, but it wouldn't stop.

"Snow," Sweet hissed, and the puppy stopped barking, then rolled on the floor for a belly rub.

"Again?" I said, and both Sweet and I laughed.

She pulled away from me and stood up. "It's so hot in here," she said, fanning her face with her hand. "Do you want something to drink? We have some fresh orange juice, cold soda and beer."

It mesmerized me watching her. She looked really cute and so damn hot. I took my hat, which was lying on the floor, and stood up.

"Just a glass of cold water, please." I answered.

"Try Erin's potato salad too. I'm sure you'll love it."

"Sure. As long as there are no peanuts."

"No nuts. Promise," she assured me, "come, I'll show you the kitchen."

In the kitchen, we settled behind the dining table, across from each other, eating potato salad and talking about random stuff.

"Do you like it?" she asked, referring to my half empty plate of potato salad.

"It's alright. I'm not very fond of potatoes with mayonnaise. I prefer classic vinaigrette in my salad."

"Oh, I see," she nodded, and pressed her lips together tightly.

I saw a twinge of disappointment on her face, but I guess I just imagined it.

My phone rang. It was James.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your date, sir. But Mr. Takahashi hasn't replied yet."

"It's still past twelve. I'm sure he'll reply soon." I answered, trying to assure myself actually that everything would turn out well with the Japanese deal.

"Call me right away if you hear from him."

"I will, sir." He replied, then hung up.

I was keeping my fingers crossed that Mr. Takahashi would reply to my email to postpone our business meeting to tomorrow. If he wouldn't allow it and cancel the whole deal, I'd be so busted. I wouldn't have a face to show to the board of directors, investors and my family on Monday, and my dream of becoming the CEO of my family's business empire would all turn into ashes. 

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