He grabbed a banana from the kitchen and met Happy in the garage where the dour man drove the 20 minutes to Midtown High.

On the way, Happy kept glancing in the mirror, looking at Peter, but he pretended not to notice. He didn't want to talk to the man that stayed complicit in his kidnapping, even though it isn't technically a kidnapping. 

When they finally reached, Peter wasted no time in hopping out and looking for his friends. In all honesty, Peter was surprised that Tony was still letting him go despite yesterday's events. 

Peter took a moment to close his eyes and take a deep, weary breath. Was he doing the right thing? Is this how he should go about acting? What would Tony do?!

OH GOD! What would Tony do??? He realizes now that the man is truly in control. How would the man punish him for yesterday's events? Would Tony hurt him? Would he hurt May?!

Peter didn't realize he was hyperventilating until thin arms wrapped around him. MJ. She hugged him while Ned talked him through the attack. "Peter pinch one nostril and breath though your nose. Good. Now copy my breathing."

When his breath was finally under control, Peter thanked Ned and the trio stood silently until Peter was ready. 

"Guys. What if all this is a mistake? Acting this way. What if it all backfires."

Ned stood beside him and said "Pete, whether it's a mistake or not, you felt like it was the right thing to do, which means it's not a mistake. You decided to try something to make your situation better. If it'll turn out okay is another thing, but don't go regretting your decisions now, because right now you have his attention and the real question is, what will you do with it?"

MJ sat on his other side and said "You are in control Peter, don't let him take it from you. Just know, whatever you decide to do, we are behind you, but don't second guess yourself out of fear. If he does something to someone you love, his bargaining chip is gone. He'll have nothing left to hold over you. He won't waste it on something as simple as you cutting school."

As dark as the entire conversation sounded, Peter knew they were right. There was a reason he decided to do this, and he needed to follow through. For Aunt May. 

Except, the entire plan sounded fishy to begin with. What is he even trying to prove? Tony isn't father material? Everyone already knew that.


After a long day at school, Peter finally climbed into Happy's car and endured the ride home. He felt the driver's stare on him every few minutes, but refused to meet his eyes, or even say anything.  

The driver tried to make conversation though. "So how was school, kid?" 

Peter shrugged and said "Fine."

Happy kept pushing, even after the clear dismissal. "Anything interesting or crazy happen?"

Peter sighed and said "No. Just cut to the chase, Happy."

Happy stayed silent for a moment, knowing he was caught. "Fine. Your father wants to see you in his office as soon as you get home."

Peter didn't think of the tower as home, but knew it was his home nonetheless. "My father died eleven years ago."

Peter enjoyed the slight swerve of the car, knowing he caused that reaction out of the surly man. Happy cleared his throat and said "Your new father.e Tony."

Peter didn't answer though as they drove into the private garage of the tower. They both stepped out and entered the elevator, enduring the awkward silence that filled the elevator until Happy stepped off on the 63rd floor. Peter let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

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