The history of the planet is as follows: Enoch ruled 77 years and died. His descendants ruled for many hundreds of years, colonizing many lands and making progress with technology but a terrible era of famine, disease and economic hardship followed. The kingship was taken away as humanity struggled in it's dark age where even writing was forgotten. This was between the years 7,900-7,800. A hundred and fifty years later, humanity recovered and an age of iron technology followed that replaced the old bronze technology. Humanity, despite the constant wars would strive but the Otsutsuki had sent in a great deluge in about 3,500 BV. All communications between the other continents and the elemental nations was lost for the sea was long and harsher. The aliens planted a new tree in the east and by 1,600 BV, entrusted Kaguya and Isshiki Otsutsuki to take care of it.

However, Kaguya betrayed Isshiki and ate the fruit. She had 2 children, Hagoromo and Hamura and she ruled like a goddess. When her sons betrayed her, she used her power to create Black Zetsu to make sure she would return. Hamura became father to the Hyuga and Hagoromo, better known as the sage of 6 paths, was father to both Indra and Ashura. Hagoromo would visit the western lands to teach them ninshu like he did in the east. But the people of Araad man Enoch, Satharyo, Northumbria and Tubal misused his teachings to strengthen themselves in their never ending war. Horrified at this, Hagoromo made a powerful barrier to separate east from west but as years passed, the barrier grew weaker. Technology advanced in the west with chakra metal while the great houses, tribes and knights grew stronger.

When he chose Ashura as his successor, Indra declared war and the hate continued to their descendants. Indra was father to the Uchiha and Ashura was father to the Senju and Uzumaki clans. Their descendants warred with each other for centuries. When one nation hired the Senju, their enemy hired the Uchiha and vice versa. After the death of the last shogun in 389 BV, a period called the Warring States Era occured with neither side backing down. Children were forced to mature and kill on the battlefield.

Eventually, the leaders of the two clans, Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha stopped the fighting to establish a new system. The Hidden Villages were born but peace wasn't achieved yet. Madara fell out of favour and left the village. He went west to the lands beyond the sea and married a powerful female knight and noble named Visenya Blackfyre. He would return to the east to wage war but was killed in the fight with Hashirama. The first Hokage promised to take care of his friend's wife, ensuring no harm came to her. As the 1st shinobi war was waged, Hashirama would die and his brother took up the mantle. On his brother's dying wish, Tobirama did not do anything to Visenya but his actions regarding the Uchiha was a small spark to a fire.

Madara's son named Izuna Uchiha grew up and later married Kagami Uchiha's younger daughter. They had a daughter named Kiyomi Uchiha who, after the 3rd war, had been pregnant with Minato Namikaze's son. The Namikaze however left her for Kushina Uzumaki and he became the 4th Hokage.

     -Village hidden in the Leaves-

Naruto Uchiha was the (unknown) son of Minato Namikaze and Kiyomi Uchiha, great grandson of Madara Uchiha. He was born on 17th April, about a week earlier. Minato had left Kiyomi nearly a year back in favour of his ex, Kushina Uzumaki. She held great hatred for the both of them for this act and she swore revenge in some form or fashion. She walked out the hospital where her nephew, Shisui Uchiha was walking besides her.

''Say, aunt Kiyomi, what is my little brother's name?'' Shisui asked innocently as he wanted to know the name of his aunt's son.

''Naruto.'' Kiyomi replied.


''No, Shisui. It means maelstrom cause he will be the storm that will bring our family back to the glory it always had.'' Kiyomi replied. ''Listen Shisui, I know that because I had Naruto, I couldn't train you like I did but now that he's born, I'll make up for lost time. You have great potential and I'll make sure you become stronger than me.''

''Stronger than you, aunt? Can that be achievable? You are already stronger than lady Tsunade and the Hokage's wife.''

At the slightest mention of Kushina, though indirectly, Kiyomi got angry a bit but quickly calmed herself. ''Oh you bet, Shisui. You'll become one of the strongest for sure.'' Kiyomi reassured her nephew and they went home. Tragedy was that she was diagnosed with an incurable disease that would kill her within 2 years.

In the house's main basement was a door that lead to a hidden room. Only an Uchiha with the mangekyō could read the inscriptions but only those of Madara's blood could activate it. She entered the room and turned on the lights. It was a secret lab filled with technology much more advanced than the one the elemental nations had. She sat near a computer to make notes and videos to teach her son. The notes for Shisui to learn but the basement itself was a secret to Shisui. Her grandmother and late father's orders were to keep it secret, even from the clan and close relatives.

She continued her project simply called 'delta' and filmed videos of her doing jutsu and other techniques, explainig ninjutsu and genjutsu. She took great care in the videos as eventually, her son would find them and she wouldn't be there to teach him. She looked at the machinery and the experimentations. Her team which consisted of Yugao Uzuki, Kurenai Yuhi and Anko Mitarashi would suffice. She looked at her sword, the heirloom of her family and took it. She put it on display in her room, in a secret compartment and left the house to continue Shisui's training.

                   -6 months later-

The 9 tailed fox had attacked the village. Many ninja came out to defend the village but many lives were lost. Kiyomi was under the impression that the fox could be controlled by her mangekyō sharingan and she left to join the fight. She drew the fox to where Minato and Kushina were so that they could reseal the fox but Kushina, instead of sealing the fox properly, sacrificed Kiyomi to the reaper to seal the fox into her newborn children, Menma and Mito.

''You... bitch!'' Kiyomi growled at the red haired woman weakly.

''You wanna know something, Kiyomi?'' Kushina asked. ''I drugged Minato months ago and used my clan's slave seal on him. Die... knowing that little piece of information.'' Kushina said and slumped to unconsciousness.

''Damn bitch.'' Kiyomi cursed as she pulled out a paper. On it, she wrote using her chakra her will and the last of her power to be given to her son. Hiruzen Sarutobi arrived to the scene and quickly came to her side.

''Kiyomi! What happened?'' Hiruzen asked as the Uchiha slowly died. Her breath becoming slower and her heartbeat slowly getting quite.

''I'm... dying. Hiruzen, give my property and money to Shisui until my son is old enough. Take... care of... him.'' Kiyomi said and died in Hiruzen's arms.

''I promise you, Kiyomi. I will.''

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