If Hearts Could Speak ~ Chapter 7

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I know I took forever to update and for that I apologise. I finished my studies, most of my series are finished because hiatus but I'm back peoples!

I hope you guys enjoy this one. :)

Richard sat down next to me just as I took a bite out of my chicken and mayo sandwich. My eyes narrowed as I glanced at him. I continued to chew, not saying anything. He'd been doing this for the past week. I'd be somewhere and he'd appear as if I'd called for him.

"Can I help you with anything?" I asked.

"Not really." He said. He pulled out his own lunch- leftover lasagna it seemed- and began eating.

"Richard, you've been stalking me for a week. What do you want?" I turned to him so that he could see that my full focus was on him.

"I'm not stalking you, Jeremy. You're imagining it. Coincidence one might say." He looked down at his food. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll continue enjoying my meal."

I rolled my eyes at him. I couldn't help but reply to him. He literally asked for it. "Excuse me but I didn't ask for you to sit next to me. You are following me and I'm starting to get freaked. Tell me what you want, you dick.I swear, a person would say that you liked me or something."

Richard's fork fell into his bowl. "What the-? No, I do not like you. That is not a secret. For fuck's sake, can't a guy eat in peace?" He stood up, collected his things and stormed out of the lunch room. I stared after him with my mouth hanging open. It was the first time that Richard reacted that way.

"You poor misunderstanding creature." I turned around and saw the old history professor shaking her head. I guessed that she had heard the conversation between Richard and I.

"I'm sorry but do you need something?" I asked her.

"No, but you do. Here's a piece of advice for you. If you keep pushing the people who care for you away, sooner or later no one is going to bother to stay."

I furrowed my brows at her. "I'm not pushing anyone away." She looked towards the door where Richard walked out.

"He's nothing to me."

"But you're something to him. The way he looks at you. That boy adores you for some weird reason, which is weird in itself because you're a pain in the ass." I opened my mouth to say something but she cut me off. "Take a minute. Look around you and take in your surroundings before you discard something. You never know what you might find."

She stood up and walked out of the room. That seemed to be happening quite a lot to me today; people walking out and leaving me here.

I met Casey at the doctor's office. I ran in at nearly four 'o clock and looked around for her. I saw her sitting in one of the chairs reading a magazine. I sat down next to her and tried to calm my breathing.

"I thought I was late." I said.

"You are." She answered without looking up from the magazine. "The doctor took longer with one of the patients."

"Okay. We'll wait then." I looked around and it hit me. I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for a doctor to tell me about my baby. A baby that I had a part in making. I saw women in various stages of their pregnancies. They looked like it was nothing to them. I felt like Casey and I were the most inexperienced couple here.

"Is this your first?" A lady that looked a bit older than me asked. I looked at her, startled.

"Uh, yes. Is it that obvious?" I heard Casey snort next to me.

If Hearts Could Speak [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now