If Hearts Could Speak ~ Chapter 2

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Next chapter. I was hoping for a bit more reads but I realised another chapter would help.

Enjoy the read :)

The next morning I slept in an hour later than what I usually did. I stretched and yawned and as I opened my eyes. I could feel the tension in my muscles. I made a mental note to start running in the mornings and at night again.

I drank a glass of water and opened the fridge to see what I could make for breakfast. I shook my head when I saw that the fridge was bare. All I had was a carrot and a jug of milk. It seemed that I would have to go out for breakfast.

After a quick shower I was ready to go and I soon found myself sitting near the window at a diner down the road.

"We should stop meeting like this." I heard a familiar voice say. "I'm starting to think that you're stalking me."

"Me? A stalker? I haven't' heard anything more preposterous." I smiled. "How are you, Casey?"

"I'm alive." She shrugged. I raised an eyebrow in question and her shoulders slumped. "I'm doing okay for someone with no life to live."

"Why's that?" She was about to answer my question when a noise in the back alerted her.

"I've got to see what that was. I'll be back in a second to take your order." Those words shocked me. She worked here?

I looked around the place. It didn't seem like she would make much- or anything- by working here. My brows furrowed as I started to figure things out. She work in a bar at night and in this diner during the day. She didn't seem like someone who looked for pity. I guessed that she would refuse my help if offered, but I promised myself to try anyway.

I was flicking the menu card back and forth, my mind not really focused on anything when Casey reemerged from the back. She smiled at me as she approached the table.

"Was everything okay?" I asked.

"Yea, a pot fell then a pan and...you catch my drift." I nodded. "So, what can I get for you?"

"Uh, the chef's special with an extra egg and a side of bacon." I paused to let her write that down. "And a coffee too, please."

"You got it." She smiled at me again.

"Casey?" I asked before she could walk away. "Are you okay?"

"Yea, why wouldn't I be?" I shrugged and gestured around me. "Oh. No, I'm okay. Don't worry about it. Really."

She walked away and this time I didn't stop her. She was an amazing person who seemed smart. What the hell was she doing in a place like this?

I finished my breakfast and left a tip for Casey when I paid. I left the diner before she had a chance to protest. I felt bad, because maybe she didn't want any help but I oddly felt like I owed it to her.

I was watching TV later that night- reruns of a series that had already ended- when the doorbell rang. I glanced at the door before getting up to answer it.

I opened it to reveal Casey standing there in an old hoodie and torn jeans holding out an envelope. "You left this at the diner."

I already knew what was inside that envelope. "No, I left that for you. From a customer to a waitress."

"Why, Jeremy?" She asked. I shrugged. "I don't need money, especially yours."

"I have it and I can do with it as I please. So what if I tip a waiter more than the normal amount? Keep it. Use it, put it in a box. Just, please, accept it." I pushed the envelope back to her and she reluctantly put it in her bag.

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