27: there just inches between us.

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Theo saw what happened then he decided to find y/n. He knew she had a break, and that she killed wonyoung. So going back to her house would be the best idea.

Theo: I'm gonna go out.
Intak: careful. There's a murderer.
Jiung: Theo-ahh. Don't do anything stupid.
Theo: I got it. Bye guys.

He ran out of the school and went to y/n's house.

y/n's house:

Theo: y/n. open the door.
Y/n heard his voice. and she went to the door and she saw Theo. he looked serious.
Y/n: yes?
Theo pushed y/n into her house and locked the door of her house. Then he pulled her into her room and closed the door. The room was dark. The curtains were closed. He instantly got his answer. But that didn't stop him from asking.

Theo: you killed wonyoung didn't u?
Y/n: yes. She smirked.
Theo: why?
Y/n: I saw her talking to u and Jiung and intak. I got jealous okay. I had enough of her. I wanted her gone. So I killed her.
Theo just looked at y/n.
Theo: jealous because of who? He looked at y/n's eye. emotionless.
Y/n: I'd kill for your love Theo. And so I did. And i don't care if I'm forgiven or not. I was jealous because of you. I want you theo. I didn't want any other girl looking at you, talking to you. you belong to me.
Theo: damn doll, So I'm yours?
Y/n: you've always been mine.
Theo: (he bit his lip)then you're mine too.
Y/n: yes. there's just inches between us.
Theo: that's my girl.

Theo smirked and then he kissed y/n. He was hungry for her. Their tongues went into each other's mouth. Y/n pushed Theo onto her bed. She got on top of him. Not breaking their kiss. Theo pulled back and said. "I love you y/n." "I love you Theo." They continued kissing and on thing led to another. They did it.

Theo: I love you doll. he was lying on her bed. y/n lying on his bare chest.
y/n: I love you Taeyang. and thank you for being my first.
Theo: doll, you're mine too.
they stayed there for awhile more before they needed to go back to school.
Theo: let's just go to school. we don't want to get caught do we?
Y/n: we? what did you do?
theo: I killed Liz and Leeseo. They were gonna hurt you. I couldn't let that slide.
Y/n: what?!
Theo: they were gonna trash your locker and hurt you. they had knifes and lighters. they were gonna do that but I saw them holding all that stuff while opening your locker. wonyoung told them to do that. I threatened them. So I killed them. I slit their throats. And i deleted all their posts on social media and replaced it with screenshots of their conversations with wonyoung threatening to kill you. and I changed their bio saying that they couldn't do this anymore. Making it look like they killed themselves. I can't let them hurt you.
Y/n: you'd kill for me?
Theo: of course I do doll, I'd kill for your love.
they kissed again.
Theo: I guess I don't have to meet you after school now.
Y/n: hmm?
Theo: cuz you're now mine doll.
y/n kissed Theo's cheek and then she took out her phone.

jiung•my dumbass
"I'm sorry Jiung. I'm not free after school."
"it's okay princess. I'll still love you."
"where are you btw?"
"I'm on the way to school. I'll see you later."
"careful, I don't want you getting hurt."
"okay. bye my dummy."
"I love you."

"I'm sorry intak. I'm not free after school."
"ohh. it's fine my love. I'll always wait for you."
"I'm sorry. Intakiee."
"it's okay. at least I got to know you. and we had great times together."
"you're still my cutie."
"and you're still my one and only y/n."

Y/n kept her phone after changing something.

change Theo•sunshine's contact?
new contact:
my Taeyang.

then they went back to school together holding each others hands. they covered their tracks. So they didn't worry about anything. they just wanted to be together. which they finally got. Theo got to be with the girl who he had he's eyes on since the first day he came here. And y/n got to be with the guy who lended his hand.

go to 30: need a hand? if you don't want to know what happens if you chose to be with jiung or intak.

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