After Marriage

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Fourth and Gemini came back at the early hours of the morning from New Zealand. Their wedding  ceremony was beautiful it was on top of a mountain surrounded by sunflowers. Gemini wore an all black outfit whereas Fourth wore an all white outfit. It was just the two of them, the officiator and 2 random people they asked to be their witnesses.

They had spend a beautiful night together, barely got out of bed doing what mostly newlyweds do but unfortunately they had to come back to Thailand because they had schedules, varsity and prepare for being parents now. Gemini still believes it's crazy they're going to become parents at such an early age, but then again if it makes Fourth happy he will do it.

As soon as they walked in through the door of their condo Gem wrapped his arms around Fourth's waist and burried his head in the crook of Fourth's neck. "'s 2am in the morning we should take a shower and sleep." Fourth said trying to free himself from Gemini. "Mmmmh I just want to hold my husband." Gemini said before planting kisses on Fourth's neck gently nibbling on the skin making Fourth release soft moans.

"Gem..." Fourth said while moaning. "Let's take a shower together." Gemini whispered softly. Fourth wrapped his arms around Gemini's neck and whispered back "I think I would like that very much, plus we are saving water right?" Gemini nodded before devouring Fourth's lips.

Clothes were left on the floor and the two made their way to the shower, sounds of kisses and moans echoing in the bathroom.

Hot water was streaming onto them, their bodies tightly encircled by arms, with hands clasped onto the other's buttocks."Gem" Feeling his husband's arousal pressed on his thigh, "God, how I love you!" Fourth said while moaning.

"Fourth" Feeling the probe of his husband’s penis against his thigh, holding him, sensing the heat within his hand, "I love you, too!" Gemini said breathlessly.

Mouths tightening, tongues twining.

Fourth however knows that if he doesn't pull away from Gemini, they will probably not get to shower and sleep on time. They had work to do tomorrow after being on leave for almost a month. So he stops and wills himself to pull away. Gemini doesn’t know how he does it, but Fourth has always had more willpower than him.

"Ai Gem" Fourth says, while catching his breath. "We’ve got to stop before I lose all self-control in the shower."

Fourth grabbed 2 bath sponges and poured body was on them both, one for Gem and the other for him so that they can wash each other down.

Fourth turned his back to Gemini so he can scrub him down…first his back, then his neck. Then Gemini got on his knees and Fourth liked being the taller one at the moment. Gemini gently placed pecks all over Fourth's butt cheeks and Fourth just sighed in contentment.

Fourth placed his hands on the shower wall for support and arched his back towards Gemini, silently begging him not to stop. Gemini then scrubbed down his legs and even the soles of his feet. Then he spinned him around to face him. Fourth started washing Gemini's chest, his shoulder, his neck, then the back of him. 

Fourth was simply placing little soft pecks everywhere as he is still gently scrubbing Gemini's lower back and butt. Goodness gracious how Gemini wished Fourth didn’t have such restraint. He unintentionally made him feel like a nymphomaniac sometimes.

"Baby, please…" Gemini moaned out.

"Shhh…I just want to take it slow. Let me enjoy this view. I just want to wash you up right now." Fourth whispered

Fourth is such a tease and he knows it, he always liked making Gemini flustered and now making him horny was his favourate thing to do and Gemini was just really a horny mess right at that moment.

My stupid heart (Gemini and Fourth)Where stories live. Discover now