My Nong Sì

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It's been almost two months since Gemini and Fourth made things official between them. They decided to keep it to themselves, they didn't let anyone not even their friends. Fourth finally got accepted at Chulalongkorn University under the major of B.Com Law. Him and Gem are preparing to shoot their new series so they have been busy with workshops. They mostly spend their evenings at Gem's condo because although Gem seems like a cool and calm person he really is a clingy puppy with Fourth. Gemini also told Fourth about his diagnosis, and Fourth has become his safe zone when he feels off.

Fourth and I have been spending almost everyday together but he is going to dinner with his family tonight so I guess I will be spending the night alone. Gemini sighs heavily. "Hey Gem, want to join us for dinner tonight?" Ford asks. "Yeah sure. Who is going to be joining us?" Gem asks. "It's going to be me, Mark, p'Mook and Prom. I asked Fourth but he can't make it." Mark adds "Yeah plus these past two months we haven't hung out together." Gem nods and asks "So what are we having?". Prom responds to Gem, "BBQ what else? We are going to dinner with BBQ royalty." They all laugh while Ford shakes his head.
Fourth enters the room and hangs his arms around Mark's shoulders who was sitted on the couch infront Gem. "Hello guys." He says smiling and making eye contact with Gem. Gosh he is so beautiful, look at his smile. I don't get jealous over Fourth being clingy to others because I understand that's his nature and everyone simply adores him. I mean who wouldn't he is so cute. "We are having BBQ with p'Mook tonight." Gem tells Fourth. "Oho I also want BBQ." Fourth whines. "I thought you were not available tonight." Ford asks as he wraps his hand around Fourth's shoulder. "I wasn't but my dad has an urgent business meeting he has to attend, so I guess I am free." Fourth replies.
"Nong Gemini, Nong'Fourth come and get ready for the live." The staff member calls them. "Okay Phi" Fourth replies and turns to Ford "So I guess I will be joining you guys tonight." Ford nods and says "Okay meung." Gem wraps his arm around Fourth's shoulder as they walk out and whispers to Fourth, "So does that mean you will be spending the night at my condo." Fourth shakes his head and mischievously smiles. "No" He responds as he shrugges Gem's arm off and runs a bit laughing. "Ai'Fourth" Gem whines as he walks behind Fourth. Fourth looks back at Gem while smiling and mouths "Of course I am."
During the live the M.C asks Gem if he prefers hitting on someone or being hit on. Gem glances at Fourth then replies "I prefer hitting on someone phi." Fourth smiles looking at Gem and asks "Really?" Gem feeling shy avoids eye contact with Fourth and turns his attention to the M.C. The M.C then asked Gem if he has ever hit on anyone. Gem trying to stay composed answers "No, I don't have any experience in romance phi." Fourth feeling shy trying to hold his laughter asks Gem "So you never hit on anyone?"  Gem looks at Fourth in disbelief while trying not to laugh. They stare at each other for a while before laughing and Gem answered "What's wrong with you of course I have never hit on anyone."

The M.C asks Fourth "So nong Fourth do you prefer hitting on someone or being hit on?" Gem looks at Fourth in anticipation wanting to tease him but Fourth answers, "I prefer hitting on someone. Like how I want to hit on Gemini." Gemini laughs being very shy, "What? You want to hit on me?" He asks Fourth. Fourth boldly answers "Yeah can I?" Gem shakes his head "Can you what?" He asks Fourth. "Can I hit on you Gem?" Fourth asks leaving Gem absolutely flustered.
After the live Gemini and Fourth drive to the resturant together. "You're very naughty nong' Sì" Gem says. "Aw what did I do?" Fourth asks fluttering his eyes.  Gem shakes his head laughing and  appreciating Fourth's cuteness.
They reach the resturant and they join their friends and p'Mook. They put in their orders and they were chatting and laughing. "Gem is cute isn't he?" Fourth says. "Oooooh flirting with Gem, nong'Fourth." P'Mook says. "For the hundredth time today phi." Proms says. Ford nods and adds "He is always flirting with Gem phi." Gem is almost tomato red from blushing. P'Mook swoons from hearing all of this and says "why am I the one blushing." Gem looks at Fourth, and Fourth winks at Gem making him more flustered. They continue with dinner chatting, laughing, Fourth flirting with Gem and everyone being done with him.
Fourth and Gem enter Gem's condo. Gemini then grabs Fourth's waist and whispers "You like seeing me flustered don't you?". Fourth fluttering his eyes, giving Gem a cheeky smile, "well you are absolutely adorable when you are flustered p' Methun." He says. "Really?" Gem says pulling Fourth closer to him closing the few inches of space that separated them before. Fourth becomes flustered at this action. Gem smiles and leans closer to Fourth, Fourth closes his eyes in anticipation of a kiss, the Gem licks Fourth's lips. "Ai Gem!" Fourth exclaims. Gem laughs letting go of Fourth. "You know for such a handsome person you are pretty weird." Fourth says shaking his head in disbelief. 
"You are sleeping over right? Gem asks Fourth. Fourth nods, "Great! I am going to shower first na" Gem says as he goes to the bathroom. Fourth sits on the couch and switches on the TV. A phone rings and Fourth answers it without checking, "Hello" it became silent for a few seconds then the other person on the line answers "Ai'Fourth?". Fourth checks the phone and realizes he accidentally answered Gem's phone. "Ai Fourth, how can you be so stupid" He thinks to himself before answering "khab p'Mark". "Why are you answering Gem's phone? Where's Gem?" Mark asks. "In the shower." And Fourth wants to bite his tongue after he said that. "Mmh are you at his condo?" Mark asks. "Khab" Fourth answers. "Great, come open for me I am downstairs."
Mark and Fourth enter Gem's condo and he sits by the couch. "What are you doing here so late?" Fourth asks Mark. "I could ask you the same question." Mark replies to Fourth leaving him flustered. "Well phi you see I was-" as Fourth was about to answer Gem comes out of the bathroom with just black shorts and a towel around his neck unaware of Mark's presence and says "Baby please dry my hair na.". Fourth face-palms himself, as Mark looks at him with questioning eyes while clearing his throat. Gem looks up and sees Mark. "Aow Mark!" He exclaims.  Fourth walks up to him and turns him around leading him to his bedroom "Go put on a shirt, I will dry your hair later."  He says.
Fourth comes out of the bedroom, shortly followed by Gem. He sits by the couch opposite to the one Mark was sitting on. Gem then comes to sit on the couch's armrest Fourth is sitting on. Mark with a smirk on his face looks at them. "Ai' Gem why don't you sit on his lap at this point." Mark says. Gem looks at Mark with a mischievously smile "sure" as he sat on Fourth's lap. "Oii Gem get off, you are heavy." Fourth scolds Gem. Gem stands up and squeezes Fourth's cheeks, "narak" He says before sitting on an empty couch close to Fourth.
Mark looks at them then smiles. A flustered Fourth looks at Mark and asks "What phi?" Mark says "narak" imitating Gem. Gem laughs and Fourth looks at him and says "You look proud of yourself" Gem looks at Fourth and says, "why wouldn't I be proud of myself when I have myself such a cute boyfriend." Then pokes Fourth's cheek. Mark looks at them and says "Okay okay enough with the sweetness." Fourth glares at Gem in attempt to hide that he was flustered, Gem laughs.

Mark clears his throat and asks "So are you two a thing." Gem proudly says, "Yeah, he is my nong'Sì". Fourth blushes and Mark let's out a small laughter and proceeds to ask, "really? Since when?" Gem being the bolder one among the two said "almost three months now." Mark looks slightly shocked and says "Wow the ship has sailed."
Thank you for reading this chapter. Feedback is always appreciated and I will try to update as soon as I can. Rak na jub jub

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