Crazy proposal

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Gemini stormed in the bedroom he shared with Fourth. He was fuming, he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible before he did anything he would regret. He couldn't believe the man he looked up to for so long was so close-minded and was spewing bullshit. Gemini wasn't naive, he knew that not everyone was accepting of same-sex couples. He knew that the world was still hateful but he didn't think he would have to encounter that within his family, his space.

"Hey are you okay?" Fourth said softly when he noticed a raging Gemini. He stood up and walked towards his love and cupped his cheeks "Hey look at me are you okay?" Fourth asked seeking Gemini's gaze. "We need to leave." Gemini said avoiding Fourth's eyes. He didn't want to look at his lover's eyes because he knew he would tear up when he met Fourth's eyes and he didn't want to to worry Fourth.

"Gem." Fourth said softly caressing Gemini's cheek with his thumb. "Talk to me." Fourth said still caressing Gemini's cheeks. "I am sorry Fourth. I just want to get out of here." Gemini said as he clenched his eyes shut. Fourth pulled Gemini into an embrace and said softly "Gem I can tell you are upset, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. Just know I am here for you. I am and will always be here with you."

Fourth's embrace felt warm, like a warm cup of coffee on a a cold winter day. Gemini wrapped his arms around Fourth's waist. He let the tears he was holding in to flow warming his cheeks. "I am sorry." Fourth said softly. Fourth didn't know why Gemini was upset but what he knew was that he needed to be Gemini's comfort. He tightened his grasp on Gemini. "I am so sorry baby." That was all Fourth could say to comfort his love.

They stood there in a heartfelt embrace. Gemini allowed himself to be weak in that moment. He didn't have to worry about composing himself, he didn't need to worry about appearing strong. He knew that when he was weak, Fourth would be his strength. He cried to his heart's content in the warm embrace of his love. Fourth was after all his safe space.

Although Fourth felt helpless he kept clinging on to Gemini tightening his grasp everytime he felt Gemini's body tremble from sobbing. He wanted to cry, his eyes swelled up with tears he blinked away because he knew he needed to be the stronger one amongst the them. He couldn't cry now, Gemini needed him. He needed to comfort his baby. Gemini had been so strong for him many times in the past and right now he needed to allow himself to be the stronger one.

After a while Gemini's sobbings subsided and his tensed body went into a relaxed state. With his eyes closed he rested his head on Fourth's shoulder. "Do you want me to get you some chamomile tea?" Fourth asked caressing Gemini's back. "I would love one but I don't want you to leave me." Gemini said softly.

Fourth broke their embrace and wiped the traces of tears on Gemini's face. "Let's go get it together then na'." He said softly with a gentle smile on his face. Gemini nodded while forcing a smile. Fourth held Gemini's hand and caressed it with his thumb before leading him out of the room.

They walked downstairs to the resturant at the resort hand in hand. Fourth kept glancing at Gemini giving him a reassuring smile. He wanted to let him know that he was there for him and he wasn't going anywhere.

The waitress showed them to their seat and Fourth scooted his chair closer to Gemini and held his hand intertwining their fingers. "Are you okay?" He asked softly smiling warmly. Gemini nodded and let out a faint smile. Fourth ordered 2 cups of chamomile tea and strawberry cheese cake for Gemini because he figured a little bit of sugar would do him good.

Gemini couldn't help but think about what his uncle John said. His words echoed in his ears over and over again. Fourth saw that so he tightened his grasp on Gemini's hand as a way to let him know that he was there for him. Gemini looked at Fourth and saw his love was smiling at him. It was as if he painted a ray of sunshine and rainbows on his face when he smiled, it was the type of smile that peered through his soul, and he wanted to keep that smile forever.

My stupid heart (Gemini and Fourth)Where stories live. Discover now