Please don't break my heart.

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Gemini kissed me, we kissed. What just happened am I dreaming. I pulled away from Gem. He looked at me in the eyes and I stepped back, and said "Gem we can't, we cannot do this. Not like this." I walked away from the kitchen into his bedroom. I grabbed my stuff and I was about to head out when he grabbed my wrist and said "Fourth... please don't go. I am sorry okay let's talk about this." He looked at me with pleading eyes. I grabbed his hand and pulled my hand away from him, "I am sorry Gem okay but I have to go. I need space to process what just happened." With that I walked out with tears swelling in my eyes and a heavy feeling in my chest. I grabbed a taxi home.
When I got home I found my mom and Fon sitting in the lounge watching something on TV. "Sawedee krub mae, Fon." I greeted them. "I thought you are staying at Gem's condo for the night." Fon said, "Nah I missed home." I said as I walked towards my mother to snuggle up to her on the couch. "So what are we watching?" I asked as my mother gave me a kiss on the forehead before rubbing my head and asking "Fou honey what's wrong?" I lifted my head up as I answered "Nothing is wrong Mae, what gave you the idea that something is wrong?" My mom looked at me and said "well because I am your mom and I can tell if any of my kids are not fine." I stood up and said "I am fine Mae really. I am just tired" I ruffled up Fon's hair before I walked upstairs. "Mae! Look at what your son is doing to me." Fon complained.

I tried getting ahold of Fourth for the umpteenth time but still he wasn't answering my calls or texts. I felt horrible, I felt frustrated and angry. "Why did you do that Gemini. You so stupid! So stupid!" I thought to myself. I tried calling again, still no answer "God dammit Fourth answer my calls!" I yelled in frustration I punched the wall several times and blacked out. When I finally regained my sanity and consciousness and sanity I had bruised and swollen knuckles. I sighed as I went to get the first aid kit. While dressing my bruised knuckles I could feel my chest tighten. No Gem, No Gem you cannot go through this" I thought to myself. I picked up my phone and called someone.

Gem: hello Mae
Gem's mom: hello baby, how are you?
Gem's mom: Gem... honey are you okay?
Gem: *sobbing* Mae please come pick me up.
Gem's mom: Honey where are you?
Gem: at the condo
Gem's mom: Okay stay right there okay, mama's coming.

I sat by the bathroom floor spaced out, I had stopped crying. I couldn't feel anything, I was numb. I faintly heard my mom's voice as she yelled my name. She found me by the bathroom floor and she wrapped her arms around me, giving me a tight squeeze. "It's okay baby, mama is here." She said and with that I started sobbing uncontrollably.  She sat on the bathroom floor patted my head with my head by her lap. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore.
I woke up at home in my bed and everything was a blur, I saw my mom sitted by the chair next to my bed. "Honey you are awake, how are you feeling?" She asked as she caressed my cheek. "I am fine mom." I said as I attempted to sit up. She looked at me with eyes full of worry with slight exhaustion in them. I wonder if she slept or not. "Do you want something to eat?" She asked with a weary voice. I shook my head. She looked at me with worry and held my hand and I could see she wanted to ask me what's wrong but she couldn't. We sat there in silence.
My father walked in and said "Son, you are awake. You gave us quite a scare." I looked up at him with eyes full of guilt. He pulled me in for a hug. "Don't ever do that okay son, we are here for you." Hearing these words I cried again. I felt horrible, I was causing pain to the people I loved. First Fourth and now my parents, I was such a horrible person. My Dad cupped my cheeks and said "stop crying son okay, Mae get our son some butterscotch ice cream. That's your favourate right?" I nodded and my mom stood up to get me ice cream. I laid my head on my dad's chest as he patted my head and kept saying reassuring words about how they were there for me and how they loved me.

It's been four weeks since I heard from Gem, I heard from our manager that he took leave and thus I have only been doing solo events or partnered up with one of my friends. I heard he also hasn't been going to varsity. I wondered if what happened that day could've been the reason for Gem's hiatus. "Call him." I heard a voice as someone touched my shoulder. "Oh Phuwin, you startled me." I said. "Call him Fourth, look I don't know what happened to you guys but when I spoke to him the other day he asked about you." I looked at him and asked "You talked to Gem? How is he Phu?". He smiled and answered, "Just call him Fourth and find out for yourself." As I was about to say something P'Pond walked in and called Phuwin. Phuwin smiled, "You know what to do nong." He said and winked as he walked out.
I picked up my phone, I hesitated calling him. What do I say? What if he doesn't want to talk to me. I basically abandoned him when I knew he needed me. Mark walked in along with Ford, he was on the phone with someone. "Okay Ai'Gem get back to us soon. We miss you here at Grammy" he said. My ears perked up when I heard Gem's name. "Hey Fourth,how are you?" Ford greeted me while Mark was on the phone, I couldn't here clearly what he was saying. "Ai Fourth are you okay?" Ford asked again. I looked at him and gave him a weak smile "yeah sorry Ford, my head is in the clouds again" I said. Mark walked towards us and said "Gem's sends his greetings, he said he will probably be back in a week or two." I nodded as I held back tears. Was Gem talking to everyone except me? Was he still mad at me? I sighed heavily and said "let's go get ready for the even na" to P'Mark and Ford.  I could see worried expressions on both of their faces.
After the event I went straight home, I walked straight to my room after greeting my family who were sitting in the lounge. I sighed heavily and threw myself on my bed, shortly I heard my door open. "Fourth... can I come in?" Fon said. "You are already in Fon." I replied. "What happened between you and Ai'Gem?" She asked. I shrugged giving her the I don't want to talk about this look. She proceeded and said "I don't know what happened between you guys but he misses you and is worried about you." I looked at her and gave her the how would you know that look. She sighed and explained that she had spoken to Gemini recently. "Great he is in touch with everyone except his supposed best friend." I said making air quotes when I said best friends. "Are you really just friends?" Fon asked, I looked at her with a puzzled face. She said "Look just call him na" she said and left my room.
What did she mean by that, of course we are just friends. What else could we be other than friends? My mind drifted to that day we kissed before I cowardly ran away. I opened my IG after almost a month of avoiding social media. I saw that Gem's IG stories, he looked happy. It looks like he is on vacation with his parents. I went to his page and scrolled down and saw the various activities he had been up to. "I guess you're happier now without me huh Gem." I said while scrolling through his page. "Call him Fourth" Phuwin's words echoed in my mind. Ugh what the hell I dialed his numbers. After a couple rings he answered.

Gem: Hello..
Fourth: ...
Gem: Fourth.. can you hear me
Fourth: uhm Hello Gem...
Gem: How are you Fourth?
Fourth: I  missed you Gem
Thank you for reading this chapter your feedback is appreciated.  I might dropped another chapter later on. Take care of yourselves. Rak na 🌻🌞

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