"Because I care about her," Ushijima said softly, his words laced with sincerity. "I care about your sister, Oikawa. And I want you to understand that."


As they arrived home, Takeru chattered excitedly about his practice. The same practice she ignored looking for Ushijima.

Not that she was sad...

of course not...

just a little disappointed...

a little...

Takeru continued chitchatting while she continued walking directly to her room. The only thing she wanted to do right at that moment was to get into her bed and cry.

She passed through the hallway and glanced at the kitchen. There was her brother that seemed to not notice her as she passed.

She thought Iwaizumi had arrived when she stopped to wave at him before locking herself up in her room.

But when in her view wasn't the familiar boy with spiky hair and turquoise eyes.

But instead, there stood Ushijima, his tall figure looming over her brother. His presence, strong and unwavering, caught her off guard.

"Wakatoshi..." Her voice was so soft it was bearly heard. A flicker of happiness sparked in her eyes,

She felt a surge of overwhelming emotions, a longing to run towards Ushijima, wrap her arms around him, and shower him with kisses. But she held herself back, aware of her brother's presence.

But the look in her eyes was quickly replaced by a jolt of confusion and disbelief.


"Wakatoshi?!" She repeated her voice being nervous and somewhat scared of what she was seeing.

It seemed like they were engaged in a serious conversation, their expressions intense and focused. Certainly, a scene that defied her understanding.

They both turned as they heard her voice, their eyes locking with hers. There was a brief moment of silence, tension thick in the air.

Oikawa's gaze hardened, his voice dripping with bitterness. "So, you finally decided to show up! Are you here to take him away aswell?"

Confusion and hurt flashed across her face. "What are you talking about, Onichan? Take him away? I don't understand..."

A bitter laugh escaped Oikawa's lips, filled with resentment and pain.

"So that's why you want her...you want her to destroy me, isnt it?" Oikawa's voice quivered with an undercurrent of vulnerability. "Is that what this is about? Taking her away from me, just like you've taken everything else?"

Ushijima's voice remained calm yet determined. "Oikawa, you're mistaken. My feelings for her are genuine. I care about her deeply."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she pleaded with her brother. "Onichan, please... He makes me happy. Can't you see that?"

But Oikawa's heart had hardened, his resentment becoming an impenetrable barrier. His expression grew even colder, his voice laced with anger and heartbreak. "And why can't you see how miserable he has made my life? Why do you have to be so self-absorbed?"

She desperately tried to explain, her voice choked with tears. "Onichan, you know I never wanted to hurt you. I just... I can't help how I feel."

"Can't help what you feel, right?" he laughed bitterly. "Well, then go away with him. Let him destroy you."

Oikawa's words cut through her like a knife.

"You mean nothing to me now."

After those exact words, the room fell into silence, shattered only by her trembling sobs.

The weight of his hurtful words hung heavy in the air, causing her heart to ache with a mixture of sadness and anger.

In that moment, something inside her just... snapped. She couldn't bear the thought of staying in a place where she was unloved and misunderstood.

The pain of losing her brother was devastating, but she wasn't going to sacrifice her happiness any longer.

Through tear-filled eyes, she turned to Ushijima, her voice trembling yet resolute. "Let's go, Wakatoshi."

Without waiting for a response, she rushed past her brother, leaving the echoes of her sobs behind. She didn't dare look back, fearing that the sight of Oikawa's anguished face would weaken her resolve.

Hand in hand, she and Ushijima ran through the front door, leaving him there... staring into the void, seeing everything and nothing all at once.

Hello hello!

im studying something i cant stand and i hate humans so muchhh.

Anyways, looking forwars Ladybug because i just saw that everything turned the other way around¿

Hoping they do the anime one day.

I have to do so many things omg.


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it will keep me away from killing myself!

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