The Awakening

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Visions flashed through Aonungs head. Aonung join us my child! join the hedboggensjive! And we will make friends with all the fishys in the mind sea! Aonung liked that idea. I will join you o mighty hedboggensjive. And he opened his eyes.

"AONUNG!" cried tysrie as he awoke. "LEBEENAROOBIEEEE!" he cried as he sat up. "Oh dear god his eyes dont look straight anymore" said his mother worridly. "HOLY CRAP MY SONS MENTALLY RETARDED AGAIN" the cheif screamed. Aonung looked at his foot to find that part of it have been chopped off. He passed out again.

The news that Aonung had gone back to his previous state spread throughout the village within minutes. People think its because of the trauma involved with the war and getting part of his foot schliced off. And this time no-one was embarrased about him because accidentally while he was fainting he cut the heart of the enemy captian aka navi hitler right in half. So everyone tolerated him and gave him big juicy bits of fish. life was good for aonung.

________________________________________________________________________________RETARDED AONUNGS BACKKKKKKKKKK. btw thanks for reading. number 105 in stupid catagory thxxxxx-


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