Past The Reef

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Aonung made it over the reef barrier and was super excited to see new fishys. "WHEEEE AONUNG LOVE FEESH!" he cried delightedly. He zipped forward and backwards looking for the biggest fish. He got so excited chasing fish to fish that sometimes he forgot to get up to breathe. His sisters voice rang in his head. Stupid Aonung. Mom should of ridden down the water slide on her stomach when she was pregnant with you. Breathe air. He thanked his memory sister for giving him advice. Aonung smiled happily. He loved his sister. She must love him to. Giving this him fun challenge and calling him spechial all the time. It made him happy to be called speshial. 

After a few hours he thought he had found a good fish. It was twice the size of him. He had gotten a cool look of down its throat when it opened its mouth over his head to say hello. It made him sad to put it to sleep. But like his Dad said 'its the cirlce of life son. We wake up, we out other animals to sleep and eat them. We eventually fall asleep. Other animals eat us. Its quite simple Aonung. Like you!' Aonung loved his dad. 

He was about to head back when he noticed a really big shadow under him. It was a giant fish! bigger than the biggest tree he knew! Tysrie would be really happy if he brought it back. He swam down to the fish and was happy to see it open its mouth to say hello. It always made Aonung happy to say hello to fish. It was a little bit weird though that it put him inside its mouth. A small part of Aonungs brain said hey thats a little bit weird! But then darkness closed over him.

________________________________________________________________________________Super annoying while writing this. I lost a huge chunk of it. But i also really enjoyed writing this chapter. Another short one sorry but oh well. Im super excited to show you whats happening next. Btw the pic at the start is kind of the way im been imagining Aonung in this story. Like the people in those images. Thanks for reading this far. And remember to get sunlight today because like Aonung says "Aonung like sunny tree. Sun makes no sad!"-


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