The Plan

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Later that day Aonung was doing his second favourite thing- dancing retardedly in the village square with a stingray. He was immune to the stings as he had no pain receptors. That was the bit of his head he was dropped on. He was doing what he called 'the flappy fish' which is where he would hold the sting rays army bits to his body and wave his arms up and down smoothly. If you want a little bit of an idea of what it looked like watch this video: . it will really provide visuals for the dance. Back to aonungs adventures. A group of girls walked into the square and saw him dancing. They started mocking him. "Look at the cheifs crazy son! haha hes so retarded. They should just get rid of him" They laughed. Then they had an idea. "Aonung wanna come play!" one called Korttne asked. "YEEEEE" said aonung dropping the stingray as he did a backbend and walked over to them like that. "Lets play hide and seek! were gonna count to 20 and your gonna hide okay?" Korttne told him very loudly and slowly. "Okay okay okay" he said nodding. "1-2-3.." The girls chanted. Aonung went to go hide in a tree. Thats the best place hide. he thought. Also best place to eat fishy fishy. And dance. Aonung love dancing. These thoughts spun around the empty tea kettle that was his head.

Eventually he concentrates enough to find a really good tree. He climbed up it using his teeth and with one foot scratching his face and sat in the leafy canopy. Trees were one of the main things that made his mentalness a bit calmer. He felt best in trees. "I's wonder when girlypops will findeth me" he said aloud. "Oop naughty aonung is not sposed to talkies" he scolded himself. Little did he know they were not looking for him but rather were laughing. "Lmao he looks like an idiot! Tyserie i feel so bad that your related to him!" Tyserie rolled her eyes. 'ikr the only reason i havent killed him yet is because dads constantly watching the both of us" she said to the girls. "Ooh i have an idea" a girl called Breitnay said excitedly. "Tell him to go out hunting for a really big fish way over the reef. The creatures are so dangerous and the waves are so strong he's surely gonna die!" 

After 3 hours of hiding Aonung had gotten distracted and descided to go look for the hot boys. Aonung loved men. He thought they were scrumdillyumyumaperper. So he climbed down backwards and went to the shallow bits of water. He dove in headfirst fogetting that he water was only up to his knees. Aonung did that alot. When he entered the water his pale green skin turned the same colour as the green caterpillar he found on the tree. This intrigued him until he decided he hated it and yeeted it off the tree. 

As he doggy paddled around he saw his friends. "FRIENDS!" he bellowed excitedly. They turned. And as Aonung started hitting on them as he usually did. His friends laughed. They just thought he was a bit weird. "Sup you quirky little turkey " said Zonko, the leader of the group. "Hi shrexy big man" aonung yelled. He got excited by his friends muscles. Then Tysrie showed up. "Aonung you ugly retard, stop acting so creepy. Your like that one creepy uncle that shows up unexpectedly. Idc that your gay but be gay better." Aonung hung his head sadly. He hated upsetting his sister. "I have a challenge for you Aonung. wanna do it?"

Tyserie had told him to take a fishy horse  (idk what there called soz) to the outer reefs and to catch the biggest fish he could find. He was super excited. He mounted the horse thing backwards so he could see where he'd been and rode off to the reef. I gotta catch big feesh he thought. Out he rode. It was all going smoothly and then he made it to the edge. Past the little rocky bit was the outer reefs.

________________________________________________________________________________Hey! Yeah ive kinda decided that I will infact be conrinuing on this storyline at least for the first part. ALSO IM SORRY I CANT SPELL THERE NAMES I CAN ALREADY HEAR PEOPLE YELLING AT ME LMAO. Also no offence to any avatar lovers this is purely for comedy. Ya know good laughs. At least me and my friends find it funny. Maybe our humors broken? Idk. Thanks for reading my stupid content.-


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