Putting Fish To Sleep

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Aonung was greatful that he was bioluminesent. He could see inside his new friends stomach. He wasnt very happy that his new friend had eaten him. Oh well he supposed it made it easier to put him to sleep. He grabbed his spear and stabbed it through the roof of his friends mouth as hard as he could. Then screaming "WHEEEEEEE" he ran all the way to the end of his friends stomach tearing a big hole in the roof of the fishs insides. He swam out and tied a rope around his friend. His friend looked so peaceful sleeping. And his stomach was full of little and big fish. Tyserie was gonna be so proud!

He hooked the big fish to the water horse thing and started riding back home. When he arrived there was a big commotion. "Whats that thing floating here?" "AONUNGS HOME" "wtf did aonung bring..." When he pulled up to shore he ran to his sister and said "SISSY I FINSHED THE CHALLENGE. I BROUGHT A BIG FISHY!" 

"HOW DARE YOU SEND HIM OUT THERE TO DIE! WE EXPECTED MORE FROM YOU TYSRIE!" the cheif yelled at his daughter. "IM SORRY DAD ITS NOT MY FAULT I DONT WANT A MENTALLY CHALLENGED BROTHER. i HAVE MY SOCIAL STATUS TO THINK OF. MY STUPID BROTHER IS THE ONLY REASON IM NOT THE MOST POPULAR GIRL IN THE COLONY!" Tyserie screamed. The cheif sighed. "Tysrie i get it, its hard. But we cant just kill him. You know what? your now in charge of killing his mentally retardedness. You saw today hes a skilled hunter. That fish he brought back was huge! its gonna feed us all for weeks! No complaining. Get to it" The cheif commanded. Tyserie huffed and stormed out. "Son come here please!" called the cheif. "I need to talk to you"

________________________________________________________________________________Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Mentally retared aonung is not as retarded as previously thought! Thanks for reading so far! Btw if you want some story where special aonung lives on earth or something i will do that! plz give me ideas lol. Enjoy reading!-


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