Isn't this PUNtastic? XD

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/TaeTaeOppa Had started the chatroom/

Time: 6:01 pm. Date: June 2

TaeTaeOppa: Hellooo ^^

EvilMaknae: Hi TaeTae

TaeTaeOppa: What is Minnie's favorite thing to wear?

Seok_Jinnie: ?

TaeTaeOppa: A Minnie-skit XD

JiminnieAbs: -_- ha ha

TaeTaeOppa: What did Mickey Mouse use when he browse the web?

YoRapMonster: what?

TaeTaeOppa: An Ipad-minnie XD

JiminnieAbs: Just putting corny puns!

TaeTaeOppa: Why is the Orange sad?

IAmYourHope: Stoppppp :(

TaeTaeOppa: Because he has feelings for apple XD

EvilMaknae: like my feelings for you :(

TaeTaeOppa: What going to happened to Nitrogen when the day comes?

SwaegSuga: Swag

TaeTaeOppa: It becomes Daytrogen XD

SwaegSuga: I'm going to bed -_-

TaeTaeOppa: Good Nitrogen! Sleep Titrogen XD Don't let bugs bitrogen xD

SwaegSuga: Imma outta here! Swaeg out~

JiminnieAbs: >_< Stoppp

TaeTaeOppa: Why did Mickey Mouse go to the outerspace?

Seok_Jinnie: To meet your mom and Dad!

TaeTaeOppa: Nope :P To find pluto XD

Seok_Jinnie: Stop it Kim Taehyung! I won't cook you find.

TaeTaeOppa : Aww :( Ummaa~~ jebal?~~~ *does aegyo*

TaeTaeOppa Posted a picture on the chatroom (Above or the side XD)

Seok_Jinnie: Ugh okay...but stop putting puns!

TaeTaeOppa: Okay umma~

Seok_Jinnie has log out.

TaeTaeOppa: How can you remember your wife's birthday?

EvilMaknae: I remember your birthday TaeTae ^^ Cuz you're my wifey even though in the fanfics I'm the bottom...But I won't let it happen O^O

TaeTaeOppa: You just have to forget it once XD

JiminnieAbs: Stop please~~ -3-

YoRapMonster: Uhmm...

JiminnieAbs: I hear Jin shouting that you broke one of his mario's collection Rapmon.

YoRapMonster: Yeah....

YoRapMonster has log out.

EvilMaknae: Love you TaeTae ;) Even though you don't notice me :(

EvilMaknae has log out.

JiminnieAbs: Aww..:( I can love you Kookie back ...I'm gonna wait for you forever :(

JiminnieAbs has log out.

IAmYourHope: Don't worry you two ^^ cuz I am your hope ^^

IAmYourHope has log out.

TaeTaeOppa: Why did the banana go to the physcist?(Don't know the spelling sorry T^T)

TaeTaeOppa: Because, He had a split personality XD

TaeTaeOppa: Isn't this PUNtastic? XD

TaeTaeOppa has log out.


Sorry for not updating yesterday XD I was playing clash of clans XD haha....anyways...Bye~~

You can request anything~~

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