Hold Up! Before You Start...

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Just a few things to say before you get into it:

DO NOT repost my work!

This book is only supposed to be on this site and not anywhere else! So if you recognize my work on another site, please let me know.

DO NOT copy my work!

References to my book are fine (flattering even), but full on copying my work word-for-word is not. I put a lot of work and effort into my writing, so I'd appreciate it if you don't Ctrl C + Ctrl V my work onto a Word document and pass it off as your own. Do let me know if someone is doing it, that would be greatly appreciated.

No hate comments please!

I'll take constructive criticism as it is helpful for improving my writing, but comments spitting hate are not helpful, they're hurtful. I'm no wizard when it comes to writing (I wish; at both being a wizard and great at writing), but I'm improving as I go! So if you have anything hateful to say, keep it to yourself. Also, any hate comments will be ignored, obviously. <3

Try not to start any ship wars please!

I'm just gonna say this now: There will be moments between certain characters that will probably make you readers ship them together. And that's not a bad thing! Ship whoever you want. But please don't go all Hulk on somebody just because they don't ship the same one you do. Everyone has their preferred ships. Just be respectful as you would in any other book or fandom. :)

This book is rated E for Everyone!

This book (along with any other works of mine) will be rated PG-13 at least. So if you were expecting some spice, then I'm sorry, this book is probably not for you. With the exception of certain parts, I do not write any explicit stuff, that's just not how I roll.

DISCLAIMER: This book does contain serious topics such as bullying, eating disorders, toxic relationships, and mental health issues. I do not own any quotes included in this story. I am also not responsible for the damages of any phones due to laughter, crying, screaming, shock, frustration, anger and/or throwing said phone across the room due to certain events that happen in the story. Blame your phone company.

And that's all I have to say! So without further ado my introverts and bookworms, I give you Fresh Meat!

Thank you, and happy reading!

- Pebble 

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