He left the collar part unbuttoned, showing off some of his skin. He wore dark shades that showed off Henry's car in the reflection. His hair looked lighter, maybe from the summer, or angle, she wasn't sure. He was the same as he was in her memories, just older and scruffier. Almost-


Don't go there.

Pierre lifted his hand and took a drag from his cigarette. Ginny noticed an expensive watch wrapped around his wrist. He blew out a puff of smoke and dropped the bud on the cement, stepping on top of it with his Armani shoes that matched his black slacks.

"Smoking before practice?" Chloe groaned to no one in particular. "I told him to stop, but he never listens."

"Isn't it a part of French culture to smoke?" Austin asked the group with one of his thin eyebrows raised.

Timothee leaned forward, looking over at him with narrowed eyes. "Are you stereotyping the French?"

Austin blushed in the cheeks. "No, I just always thought..."

"You're not wrong, Elvis." Chloe unbuckled her seatbelt. "Lots of people smoke in France, but Pierre shouldn't because he needs his lungs more than anyone else here. I mean, if he wants a podium."

Ginny held back her chuckle. She was worried it might come out as vomit. Everyone piled out of the car. She heard Henry greeting Pierre with a bro-hug and slap on the back. Elvi- Austin held the door open for her and she slid out of the backseat, quickly fixing her dress in the back as she followed behind Chloe. She watched as Pierre opened his arms wide for her brother. Timothee let out some sort of gurgle laugh that all his fans obsessed over, and took two big strides towards his old friend.



The two of them embraced, and their voices filled the air. "What's up man?"

Pierre leaned back, but kept his friend at arm's length, taking in his appearance. "Je vis ma meilleure vie! Qu'est-ce qui se pause avec toi, mon frére?"

Of course he'd respond in French. That arrogant punk. And of all things to say, 'I'm living my best life' he just loved to brag didn't he? At least he had the common decency to ask what was up with Timothee.

Her brother responded with a chuckle first, nodding his head rapidly in agreement. "Bien! Bien! Je suis heureux de I'apprendre. Je vais bien maintenant que je suis ici. Prêt à s'amuser." (Good! Good! I'm glad to hear that. I'm great now that I'm here. Ready to have a fun time)

Always humble.

Pierre squeezed his shoulder and then shifted to Chloe. Ginny glanced at her shoes for a moment, preparing herself to greet her lifelong bully in just a matter of seconds. She tore her eyes away from the ground, but when she looked up, Pierre was already staring at her over Chloe's shoulder. He'd taken off his sunglasses, having them placed inside his shirt pocket.

His bright sea-green eyes peered into hers, diving into a pool of memories. She felt frozen in place, unable to move as he looked her up and down. It was like a cold bucket of ice had fallen over her body as she felt a spark of tingle rupture her spine. Something fiery flashed across his face, but was soon replaced with a smile as he leaned back to kiss Chloe on both cheeks.

Everyone seemed to stare at Pierre as he walked around Chloe and stood in front of Ginny with an indescribable expression. They all were curious, maybe more Timothee and Chloe, about what he'd do. What she'd do. Pierre cocked his head to the side, opening his arms for a hug. Ginny gritted her teeth, remembering those cursed words.

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