18. You are safe

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Carina stumbled through the door of her apartment, her breathing rapid and shallow.

All of it came back to her.

The argument.

The kidnappers.

The gunshots.

Three dead bodies.

The phone call.

Panic consumed her again, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

Vincenzo, his eyes wide with concern, rushed to her side, catching her just before she collapsed to the floor.

She was expecting Mi-ri to come to when she told her , but it was Vincenzo who showed up.

He didn't ask her what happened. Just one look at her face and he understood everything.

He always did.

So he didn't ask her any questions. He just brought her back to her apartment.

Their earlier argument still lingered in the air, the harsh words exchanged still fresh in their minds. But now, in this moment of vulnerability, Carina's longing for comfort outweighed any lingering anger or resentment.

So she let him hold her.

"Carina, it's okay. You're safe now," he whispered, his voice gentle yet firm. He guided her to the couch and sat beside her, his presence as a soothing anchor amidst the turmoil that overwhelmed her.

Carina clutched at her chest, her heart pounding like a wild drum. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to catch her breath, her thoughts racing in a chaotic frenzy. Vincenzo placed a comforting hand on her trembling shoulder, his touch grounding her in the present moment.

"Focus on your breathing, Carina," Vincenzo said, his voice steady and calming. "Inhale deeply through your nose... and exhale slowly through your mouth."

His words penetrated the fog of panic, and Carina struggled to follow his instructions. With each deliberate breath, she felt a sliver of control returning, her racing heartbeat gradually slowing its frenetic pace. Vincenzo's presence and guidance provided a lifeline amidst the storm that raged within her.

As Carina's breathing steadied, Vincenzo softly spoke to her, his voice a soothing balm. "You're here with me, Carina. You're safe. Whatever happened, we'll face it together. You're not alone."

Carina's tear-filled eyes met Vincenzo's gaze, finding solace in the depths of his unwavering support. She clung to his words, his presence grounding her in reality. Slowly, the edges of her panic began to soften, replaced by a glimmer of hope.

"Vincenzo, I... I don't remember," Carina stammered, her voice trembling. "I called Mi-ri, and then everything went blurry. I'm scared, I don't know what happened."

Vincenzo tightened his grip on her trembling hand, his voice filled with reassurance. "Mi-ri came to me after talking to you. She is trying to track the person who sent those people."

"And t-the bodies?"

"Don't worry about it.My men are taking care of the bodies."

Carina nodded, her breaths still shaky but more controlled. She allowed herself to lean into Vincenzo's comforting embrace, finding solace in the warmth of his presence. He gently stroked her hair, his touch a soothing rhythm that calmed the storm raging within her.

As the minutes turned into hours, Carina gradually regained a sense of clarity. Vincenzo remained by her side, patiently listening as fragments of her memory resurfaced. They pieced together the events of the past few hours, the fear and confusion slowly giving way to understanding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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