1. Not In This Lifetime

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Carina frowned, her eyes flitting up to the clock from time to time before turning back to the person sitting in front of her. The guy just raised his eyebrows and smiled innocently in return. She let out a breadth of frustation and shaked her head. This guy was starting to get on her nerves now. She took a deep breath.

"So you mean to say, your leg slipped."

He nodded.

"And you fell down from stairs."

He nodded.

"And your hand is bruised this time?"

He smiled and nodded again.

Carina slammed her hands against the table, making him flinch.
"Atleast come up with more believable excuses!"
He smiled sheepishly and rubbled the back of his head. "Sorry doctor, but... my hand is really hurting. Can you take care of this first?"

Carina sighed in exaustion and buried her head in palm of her hands, seemingly totally done with his antics.

It has been three days since she moved to Seoul and joined this hospital. On the very first day she came in this city, she ran into this guy who is now sitting in front of her. Jang Jun-woo. He was sitting on the bench in the park, nursing his head. Apparently, he had fallen down from stairs and bruised his forehead.

She couldn't just walk away after seeing him like that. Afterall, she is a doctor. So she did what any doctor would have done. She handed him some low power painkillers and medicine to reduce his bruising that she happened to carry around in her hand bag. And that's-it. She was in middle of searching a decent hospital to work in at that time so she left the park in hurry after handing him the medicine. It was supposed to be a simple-chance encounter. She didn't expect to see or meet him again.

But it seems that this guy had some other plans going on in his head. He showed up in the hospital she had just joined the next day saying he fell down from the stairs again and bruised his right leg.

At first, Carina thought it was just the coincidience. So she had administered him first aid and instructed him to be careful while using the stairs.

But, he was here again the next day. Same story, different bruise. He had injured his left leg.

And today is his left hand's turn.

Although, she is somewhat dense when it comes to these matters, even the blind person would be able to see what was going on.
"Doctor Daisy? Are you here?" Jun-woo's voice bought her back to her senses. She looked at him again- no, scratch that- glared at him. "You better stop all this nonesense right now or I'll-" He waved his hand in front of her and cut her off in middle. "I am hurt, can you please treat my hand?"

That's it. This was her limit. Carina stood up abruptly from her chair, startling Jung-woo. She grabbed the first aid box and walked around her desk to where Jun-woo was sitting and sat down beside him. All while sending him her death glares.

Forget about treating him. She had half a mind to bash his head with the first aid box she was holding her hands.

"Ouch.. hey...can you be a little gentle...oww....I came here to get my wound treated, not to make it worse!"

"Really? Then why did you get injured in first place?"

"I fell down from the st-oww-" Carina smiled sarcastically as she applied more pressure to the wound. "Repeat that sentence again and I'll throw you out of the hospital."

Jun-woo hissed in pain and snached his hand back as soon as she was done. "I think you actually made it worse." He rubbed his hand.
Carina smirked. "Well, that was the plan. And I am not going to treat you anymore."

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