I read for about an hour before I got up to get a snack and some water before continuing reading. I sat at the kitchen ledge and ate quickly, eager to return to my book. Setting my dish in the sink to wash later, I took my glass of water and went to my room again. I sat down and got comfortable before opening my book to read again. I read for, at minimum, three hours.

I was then disturbed by a clunk sound hitting my window, thinking it was the large tree branch, I ignored it. Clunk. There it was again. "They gotta get that tree cut." I muttered in English.

A few seconds passed before I heard it again. Clunk. I sat still for a minute and heard nothing, "Finally." I let out an irritated breath.


"Oh my fucking god!" I shouted, throwing my book down and looking out the window. "I'm about to break this freaking branch myself." I was confused when I saw that the branch had been cut and was nowhere near my window. I looked around for a moment and didn't see anything. I was about to turn around when a small rock hit my window. "What the-" that's when I saw Jungkook, standing below my two-story window, staring up.

He saw me looking down at him and he removed a hand from his pocket and waved sheepishly. Rolling my eyes, I flipped the lever locking it, and pushed the window open. "You know there's such thing as a text or phone call. I'm pretty sure we don't live in the eighty's anymore."

He shrugged, "I wanted to see you."

"If you think I find this romantic, I don't." I retorted, giving him an annoyed look.

He pouted, "Why are you so snappy?" I almost couldn't resist his baby voice, but I remembered I was reading peacefully when he so rudely interrupted.

Letting out a huff, I swatted my hair away from my face before replying, "I was reading peacefully until you started throwing freaking rocks out my window just because you wanted to see me, acting like you've never heard of a freaking TELEPHONE before."

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry, do you forgwive me?" he did his best baby voice.

Heart melting, I couldn't contain the smile that formed on my face; he beamed, showing his bunny smile. Nodding, "I forgwive you, you big baby. Now, you said you wanted to see me? Why, we were literally just together?"

"I couldn't wait to see you again." he answered with a blush.

Rolling my eyes with a smile, I put my hands on the windows, "Well, you've seen me now, so bye."

I started to close the doors, "Wait!" Jungkook's panicked voice called out.

Sighing, I reopened them, "What?"

"Can you come down please? I have something to ask you?" he begged. What is he going to ask me? Anticipation filled me and I darted away from the window and grabbed my phone and keys. My palm was on the door knob when I realized I left poor Jungkook standing out there awaiting my answer. Rushing back to the window, "I'm coming!" Hurriedly shutting the windows and locking them, I dashed out of my room.

Abby was sitting in the kitchen, mouth open as she saw me dart out of my room as if it was on fire, "Where ya goin'" she asked slowly.

Quick! Think of something! "I-uh, need to go get something from my car." I blabbed out, hoping my lie was successful.

"Oh, ok." was her response, so I calmly strode out of the apartment, locking the door behind me.

I reached the elevator and pushed the button, eager to get downstairs, "Could this elevator go any slower!?" I groaned just as the door dinged. Rushing in, I stabbed the button for the first floor and bounced anxiously as the machine went down. It wasn't until I exited the building that I realized I was still in my flimsy pajamas and fuzzy slippers. Too late now to change. I walked around the corner and saw Jungkook standing there, waiting for me.

"Hey." I squeaked out.

His head came up and a smile appeared, "Hey." He walked up to me, his eyes going up and down, making me hot all over.

Holding my phone in both of my hands, "You said you had something to tell me?" I asked expectantly.

He scratched the back of his neck, a red hue coming into his cheeks, "Oh, yeah. Uh, I was wondering if- you don't have to answer if you don't want- but I was wondering if you'd want to go out this Saturday?" Is he asking me out on a date?

"Where?" I asked, trying to keep my composure.

He looked away, avoiding eye contact. He's so cute. "Oh, I thought we could just go out to dinner and then stroll downtown Seoul."

"Sounds great."

His eyes bulged out of his head, "Wait, really?"

"Yes. But you have to tell me when you're gonna pick me up." I raised an eyebrow.

He blushed all the way up to his ears, "Oh, right. Does seven sound good?"

"Perfect." I got on my tip toes and kissed his cheek, "See you then."

"Yeah, see ya." I turned and started walking away, "Wait, Grace."

Stopping, I turned back; he walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. My heart raced as he cupped the back of my neck and bent down, pressing his mouth on mine. Closing my eyes, I leaned into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. The kiss was slow and unhurried; his hands slid up and down my waist and hips. He pulled away slowly, looking into my eyes, "Good night, Grace. I love you."

Smiling adoringly, I replied, "I love you more, Jeon Jungkook." I kissed his lips once more, "Good night." I whispered, leaving his embrace and heading back to my apartment.

I walked past Abby again, "I thought you went to get something for your car?" she asked suspiciously, seeing I had nothing in my hands.

"Oh, I realized I had actually brought it in." I hurried back to my room to avoid further interrogation.

I closed my blinds and then got under my covers, curling up on my side. I knew then nothing would keep me from Jungkook nor him from me. I fell asleep thinking about the man just a few doors down who loved me and would die for me.


Tysm for reading! Sarangminda! Remember to vote, comment, and give this book a shout out!

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