"None of this is your fault, Donghyuck. It's my fault that you're even here to begin with, which means it's my duty to take responsibility for your safety and well-being."

Donghyuck let out a little sigh and said nothing else, just kept himself pressed closely against the king's torso. After a minute, the omega finally spoke up again.

"Don't misunderstand," he murmured, "I'm not cuddling with you because I like you or anything. I'm just here because... uh, because you smell good, your scent is comforting."

Mark let out a surprised laugh, glancing down at Donghyuck again. "Yes of course. Whatever you say, Your Highness."

Donghyuck finally lifted his head to glare at Mark. His hair was a little ruffled from the position he had been laying in, and his lips were jutted out into a pout, and all Mark could think was that he looked no more intimidating than a disgruntled puppy.

"I'm serious! I don't like you, and I still don't want to mate with you, okay?"

"Sure. I know that already," Mark teased, trying and failing to keep the fond grin off of his face. Donghyuck's pout only deepened, and Mark's heart swelled with affection.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm being serious," Donghyuck whined, crossing his arms. Mark leaned over him a little and nodded along mockingly, which only served to frustrate Donghyuck more.

"Mark Lee, stop looking at me like that! I swear to god I'm—"

Donghyuck suddenly paused. As he spoke, he had been leaning up to try and get in Mark's face and challenge him, but they suddenly ended up with their lips inches apart, faces entirely too close together.

Mark froze, looking down at Donghyuck. The omega went red in the face, biting at his lower lip, but he did not make any move to pull away or put more distance in between them.

Mark thought back to Kun's words earlier in the day, which brought back memories of all the times where John had insinuated something similar in regards to Donghyuck's feelings, and he decided to take a chance.

After all, what did he really have to lose at this point?

"Do you remember the promise I made you? During your pre-heat?" Mark said softly, as if he was afraid speaking too loud would shatter the moment and scare Donghyuck away. The omega pursed his lips, his eyes darting back and forth across Mark's face nervously.

"Um... the one about you kissing me...?"

"Mhm," Mark hummed in confirmation, his eyes flitting down purposefully to look at Donghyuck's lips. The omega's breathing got noticeably heavier, and Mark couldn't stop himself from smirking a little. "Have you thought at all about taking me up on my offer?"

Donghyuck inhaled a shaky breath. "Uh... maybe once... or twice..."

Mark's tongue darted briefly out to wet his lips. Donghyuck followed the movement with his eyes, entranced. Mark couldn't help but grin down at him. "How about right now? If I asked to kiss you right now, what would you say?"

Donghyuck's breath hitched, and his pupils grew wider the longer he stared up at Mark. The king held steady eye contact and waited, losing himself in Donghyuck's gorgeous, big brown eyes.


A knock on the door abruptly interrupted them, effectively shattering the moment. Mark sighed in frustration and leaned back, laying back on his side of the bed. Donghyuck inhaled deeply, as if he had been holding his breath the whole time.

"Come in," Mark drawled, and a beta servant popped her head in through the doorway, asking for permission to enter the room and drop off their newly clean clothes. Donghyuck turned to face away from her and buried his face into the sheets, completely embarrassed. Mark couldn't help the fond, amused glance he sent the omega.

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