Smiling awkwardly, "Oh, I'm sorry, but I don't know you. You'd have to meet my parents and everything. I don't think they'd approve of you." his breath quickened and his eyes widened. I stood up slowly and froze, seeing Jungkook slowly walk over to me. The man never noticed, his eyes never leaving my face as I saw his hand reached under his denim jacket. In a flash I was staring at the barrel of a gun.


Jungkook's pov

The guy who just passed me gave me weird vibes. He was staring at me the entire time as if he hated me or something. Whenever he moved on from me, I noticed him glance back at me with such hatred it was palpable. I kept an eye on him and watched when he went over to Grace, a similar look in his eyes. "Will you be mine?" I stood up at that, concerned.

Her head came up sharply and she smiled nervously, "Oh, I'm sorry, but I don't know you. You'd have to meet my parents and everything. I don't think they'd approve of you." his breaths quickened in their pace as rage filled his eyes. I slowly started walking towards Grace as his hand reached under his jacket. My blood went cold as I saw light flash off of something metal.

He pulled out a gun and said with hatred, "It's because of Jungkook, right?"

She backed up and held her hands up in fears, "No, you-"

He yelled, "Shut up, yes it is!" his finger moved onto the trigger. No! I won't lose her! I can't lose her! "If I can't have you no one will!" There was a loud bang as I lunged forward. No!


Grace's pov

"No!" I heard Jungkook cry out as I was flung to the floor as two loud bangs were heard and a searing pain shot through my shoulder. Screams rented the air as everyone was clamoring to get out of there. Everything was tuned out for me as my ears rang, Jungkook was on top of me, unmoving. "Jungkook!" I screamed but it sounded muffled. I screamed again and there was no movement or reply.

Tears filled my eyes as I screamed one last time, "Jungkook!" I felt his weight shift and my body was rolled over. I cried out as pain ripped through my shoulder up into my neck, the ripping sounds seeming almost audible. The pain became so unbearable I blacked out.

"Grace!" I heard faintly but didn't want to awake from this blackness which seemed so comfortable. "Grace!" it was louder now as the darkness was fading quickly. I groaned and my eyes fluttered open to meet Jungkook's grief-stricken face. "Grace, oh my god." his hand cupped my face, closing his eyes for a moment. I heard sirens in the distance.

He pulled his hand away and it was covered in blood. "Jungkook, your hand." my voice cracked as his eyes widened, making me look down. I screamed as I saw a pool of blood on the floor next to me; my arm was covered in blood and I saw another body, the body of a man laying in a pool of blood, limbs splayed everywhere. "Grace, look at me." Jungkook moved my face to his as I started panicking, my chest heaving quickly.

My eyes moved to the man on the ground, "Grace, look at me." Jungkook's voice was fading as he turned my head to him again. My vision blurred as he snapped his fingers in my face, I tried to reply but couldn't form words. "Grace!" his words faded as my eyes rolled back and fell limp.


Jungkook's pov

"Somebody, help! We need an ambulance." I cried out as Grace went limp on my arms, her face white as marble. Fear filled me as I knew she was losing blood. Ripping my shirt off, I tore it and wrapped it tightly around where the blood was coming from. "Grace." I said again, gripping her face in desperation, my fingers digging into her pale flesh. I released her, making her head drop back. "Sir, help is on the way." There were two shots heard. One was at Grace, and the other was shot by a guard who killed the man who shot Grace.

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