4. our lunch table. [medora & co]

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[copy-pasted directly from google docs.]
tw: still generally cursing i guess, mentions of vee-oh-lence, richie having a shitty dad™ (actually all of them have shitty parents but it's not talked about here)

It's 12:24 and the lunch hour's just recently started. All four of the seniors sitting at the table had their lunches and were talking easily as the cafeteria bustled around them.

"Joey, darling, did you finish the Geo assignment we had Friday?" Medora asks from where she's pressed up against his side, twirling the pasta in her lunch box absently.

"Of course, I did," he says like it was obvious, pointedly looking at Caro.

Instead of saying anything, Caro just grins unapologetically back at him, stealing broccoli from a vexed-looking Richie.

"Ms Parks said it had to be done by today," Medora reminds them, bringing her fork to her mouth. Joey, like the little shit he is, leans forward and looks at her expectantly, to which she rolls her eyes but surrenders her fork to his puppy eyes. "Dork. You're lucky I love you."

"I know, älskling," he says with a kiss on her cheek. She laughs pleasantly.

The other two boys at the table don't even bat an eye at their PDA, instead now childishly wrestling over Caro's fork and Richie's lunch box because that's where they're at now, I guess.

Everyone freezes when Cypress places down her tray on the table. They freeze so fast, in fact, that when Caro lets go of the lunch box it flings in her direction and sprays buttered carrots and peas at her, decorating the front of her clean white blouse in a fashionable yellow with green and orange polka dots.

"Um. Hi?" Medora starts first, blinking at her with surprise. No one moves to help as she brushes food off her shirt and onto the unswept floor with a half distressed, half extremely-fucking-pissed expression.

"Does anyone have a–? Nevermind," she grumbles, stomping away and leaving her tray on the table.

Joey watches her with a weird expression before glancing at Medora. "Who was that?"

"She just stole my food," Richie grumbles, as if it wasn't his fault it landed on her in the first place.

"Pretty sure she's in my History," Caro tilts his head, watching her use an entire box of napkins for her blouse over his shoulder. "She's kind of a bitch, honestly. Really bossy, kinda stuck-up, know-it-all, whatever."

"I think she was the self-appointed President of the Student Council before they kicked her out," Medora speculates.

"Wasn't that Ada? She doesn't look like Ada," Joey furrows his eyebrows.

"No, no, not Ada," she shakes her head.

"Ada was never in Student Council," Caro supplies, losing interest in Cypress and turning back to his last (now missing) sandwich. He glares at Richie as he eats it with a deadpan expression like 'bite me'.

"Yeah, she threw a temper tantrum about it and got suspended, I remember that," Joey snorts. "Tried to uproot the entire school over it."

"It caused quite a riot," she nods. "I don't blame her for being upset, but it was a little ridiculous what she did, no?"

He hums. "Yeah." He glances at the tray in the table, then up at Cypress' returning figure. "So, wait, who is this?"

"Cypress Seymour," she says sharply, now definitely extremely fucking pissed. "I wanted to ask if I could sit here but I guess not." She picks up her tray and stomps away, her heels clicking loudly against the tiled floor.

All four of them watch her leave for exactly two whole seconds before going back to what they were doing.

"Why did she want to sit with us anyway?" Richie wonders aloud as he sorts through his locker to get his stuff for Mathematics.

Caro shrugs a shoulder, leaning against the locker next to his with his hands in his pockets. "Maybe we're just that cool."

"You and I both know we're just a bunch of losers with a god complex and a death wish," he grumbles, shouldering his backpack and closing his locker.

"Probably, but that's what makes us so cool," he nods. "It's our complete disregard for the safety of ourselves and others."

He rolls his eyes as the two of them start walking, dodging students as lunch ends and the halls slowly overflow. "What a horrible world we live in. Come on, you have to at least get a C to pass."

"D minus," he corrects.

"Please don't aim for D minus," he says flatly.

"My parents are lucky I'm not aiming to get kicked out," he huffs. "Think I can manage my entire family and homework on top of that? No, thanks."

"I do your homework for you most of the time," he retorts, though he doesn't sound particularly bothered.

"And I love you for that, yeah? But I don't see you carrying a million little shits on your back everyday."

"No, and I'd rather keep it that way."

"Yeah, I wish. Kidnap me and hold me hostage so I don't have to pick up my siblings?"

He rolls his eyes. "Two hours before my shit-for-brains father gets back and points a shotgun at your head for 'turning me queer'." He holds up his hand and does air quotes.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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