cliff side.

1 0 0

these will only get worse as time goes on. :)

[copy-pasted directly from google docs.]
general tags: this is incredibly short oh wow
tw: the general contemplation of mortality, we're still cursing, pushing richie off of cliffs (he has wings he'll be fine)

He sits on the edge of the cliff, overlooking a vast ocean, glittering in the warm light of dawn. The sun rises to his right, peering over trees and glinting harshly against the side of his glasses.

He would jump. Spread his wings and go... somewhere. But he's tired, and there's nothing much out there. Besides, he can't go out alone.

"Dickie," Caro's voice calls, sound fighting wind and waves and barely winning through. He steps through the treeline and stands next to Richie with crossed arms. "We gotta go. What're you even doing out here?"

"Watching the sunrise," he deadpans.

"Interesting," Caro retorts with a similar tone. "Come on, we're jumping states. It's getting boring around here and Joey can't do his job, or whatever he said. You've got plenty of chances to contemplate the pointlessness of life and mortality on other cliffs."

"The states aren't going anywhere."

"Yeah, but we are."

He rolls his eyes.

Caro stares at him for a couple more seconds before he shrugs and sits down next to him.

"What're you staring at, anyway? There's nothing interesting here."

"The water."

"Fucking loser. Isn't 90 per cent of the Earth water or something? Aren't you 90 per cent water?"

"That's estimately 70 and 60 respectively."

"Fucking loser," he repeats.

Richie smiles slightly, just barely noticeable, and Caro scowls. "Stop that."

"Stop what?"

He narrows his eyes. Richie doesn't even glance at him. Just keeps on staring as the sun slowly rises next to them.

"We should go. 'Fore Joey throws a temper tantrum."

"I'm quaking in my boots."

Caro pushes him off the cliff.


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