Chapter Thirty Two

Start from the beginning

"No silly, these are happy tears." I reply with an assuring smile.

Santiago's face relaxes in relief as he cups my face swiping the tears away with his thumbs.

"I'm just glad that after everything we've been through, I get to kiss you in my kitchen as we have breakfast together." I explain.

"This seems unreal to me too mami but I'm here to stay, you're not getting rid of me ever again." He promises me.

"Good because I never intend to let you go."

In response Santiago kisses me again, a short but much sweeter kiss this time around.

"I love you." He whispers our lips a breath apart.

"I love you Cesar." I echo finding his lips once more.

I am in love, my man in free and life is finally looking up. I couldn't be happier.

"Why don't we eat out in the patio? It's a nice morning." I suggest feeling like we've been couped up inside the house too long.

"Okay, I'll serve and bring the plates out there." Santiago agrees.

"Need any help?" I offer.

"Nope, just your sexy ass out there." He assures me kissing my forehead.

"Okay." I shrug stepping away from him.

Santiago spanks my ass as I walk away earning him a playful glare from me.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. It was right there." He defends lifting his hands up in surrender.

I wiggle my ass just to torture him some more and sashay away smirking in satisfaction when I hear him groan behind me as if he's in pain.

Out in the patio, I take a seat on one of the sofas under the cabana overlooking the vast Arizona dessert. It's a quiet sunny morning, perfect for breakfast under a nice shade with my hot boyfriend, not that we've labeled our relationship or anything. To me it's just a title and I have his love which to me is more than enough.

Santiago walks out of the house with a tray with two heavy laden breakfast plates, coffee, juice and a single rose stem clutched between his teeth. He's ditched the apron leaving him shirtless, something that mami likes very much. He sets the tray down on the table in front of me and holds out the rose for me.

"Thank you, you don't have to try so hard you know. I'm already yours." I smile at him bringing the rose to my nose.

It smells fresh meaning he's plucked it right out of my front rose garden. I'd be pissed that he's messed with my flowers if it wasn't such a sweet gesture.

"Mami the day I stop trying to earn your love or the day I stop showing you just how much you mean to me, I want you to kick me to the curb and run me over with your car, then back up over me to make sure I'm really dead." Santiago demands with a very serious look on his face.

"Or I can just unleash Jada and Tom on you." I reply with a smile.

"Even better, I'll deserve it. You've been so patient with me, I've seen relationships and marriages fail because a partner has been incarcerated. The fact that you were willing to date me knowing I'd be in there for two more years speaks volumes about how great you are. I don't deserve you Hannah that's why I will spend the rest of my days showing you just how much you mean to me. You are my world mami and I love you so much and that will only become truer as the days go by because my love for you grows stronger by the minute." He declares looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Since when did you become such a poet?" I sniff wiping away a couple of tears.

Why am I so emotional this morning?

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