Chapter 3

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Luke's POV luke? hey luke please reply what's wrong why aren't you replying ok I didn't think I was that ugly

What do I do?

Like, I seriously don't know what to do. Calum Hood is the biggest jerk on this planet. I can't be talking to him. What if he discovers who I am? What if all of this was just a big joke to make fun of me?


luke_is_a_penguin: Chill dude I was busy doing something else. ok.... it's your turn to send a selfie


luke_is_a_penguin: We go to the same school. Really? Oh man that's rad! Do we know each other? That's weird I don't know anyone named Luke

Yeah that's because you always call me fag.

luke_is_a_penguin: No we're not really friends

luke_is_a_penguin: I thought you had a girlfriend though, why does it say you're interested in males on your profile? oh she's just a cover

luke_is_a_penguin: So you're ashamed of being gay? omg luke stop okay just send me a picture of you

luke_is_a_penguin: We should just stop talking. what no i like you you're chill

He likes me.

He likes me.


luke_is_a_penguin: I have to go, talk to you later bullshit luke come on ok then just stop talking to me



It's already Thursday and I honestly don't know how I've made it through the school week. Calum has been begging me to send him a picture of me since Saturday but I just can't. I don't even know why I'm still talking to him even after knowing he's the most horrible person in this world.

He texts me every morning before school, we message each other during our classes and we even talk at night. We've tried to Skype a couple of times but his internet connection was always shitty.

It's weird, it's like he's two different people and I don't know what to think. I haven't seen him in school this week and that's even weirder. Him and his friends always seem to have a great time making my life a living hell.

Does he know who I am?

Does he know that I'm the guy he's texting with 24/7?

I don't even know.

Oh god, I swear Calum Hood will be the death of me.

"So, Mr. Hemmings, can you please give me the answer to the question #6?" Mr. Picken's voice interrupted the conversation I was having with myself and that's when I realized I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying at all.

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