Chapter 2

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Luke's POV Hey there ;)

I stared at the message for at least seven years. Is it who I think? It can't possibly be Calum Hood, right? Ha, of course not, he has a girlfriend and he's the first one to mock me about my homosexuality. What do I do? Do I reply to him? What do I say?

Hi = too boring?

Hey ;) = too flirty ew

Hello :-) = Meh it's cute and simple but kinda boring

Okay, calm down Luke, you got this.

luke_is_a_penguin: Why hello stranger. :-)

He probably won't reply anyways. why don't you have a profile pic? :'(

Oh god, a fast texter. Of course I didn't use a picture of me to put as my profile picture. It'd probably repulse everybody if I did. That's why I chose a picture of Alex and Jack from All time Low.

luke_is_a_penguin: Get your eyes checked bc I have one :-) plus you don't have one either OH MY GASH ALEX FROM ALL TIME LOW IS THAT YOU

luke_is_a_penguin: You're a dork :-) why do you put a nose to your emojis

luke_is_a_penguin: Why do you ask so many questions? :---) i can just leave if you want

luke_is_a_penguin: Your username is quite... special says the one who chose 'luke_is_a_penguin' for his username

luke_is_a_penguin: Penguins are cute :-D I bet you're not even sexy oh but i am ;)

luke_is_a_penguin: Stop using the winky face it makes you seem like a pedo how old are you?

luke_is_a_penguin: I'm 17, what about you? i turned 18 not so long ago


I opened my eyes and was suddenly blinded by the light reflecting from my window. I came to a realization that I had fallen asleep with my phone in my hand while talking to that Calum kid. Oh god, it's 11:00 am, I usually never sleep in. I stretched my arms and let out a loud inhuman noise and struggled to get out of my bed.

I forgot to charge my phone before going to bed, great. I plugged my phone and made my way out of my room. The smell of delicious pancakes filled my nostrils as I walked down the stairs, heading to the kitchen.

"Good morning, sweetie. Do you want some pancakes?" My mother asked me with a huge smirk on her face. I headed towards the kitchen counter and sat down.

My mum is my hero. She's been through a lot when my father left us, but she always manages to have a smile on her face even when times are rough. Our relationship isn't always perfect, we fight a lot, but at the end of the day, we both know our love for each other will never fade. She's the only one I've told about my sexual orientation (even though my friends kinda have an idea) and she supports me, I couldn't be more thankful to call her my mum.

"Luke, honey, I'm talking to you!" My mom pulled me out of my thoughts, placing a plate of pancakes in front of me. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing much. School has been awful lately." I mumbled; my mouth full of pancakes.

"Some kids are giving you a hard time?" My mum always seems to know what's wrong before I even say it.

"Yeah, something's just not right. I feel like I'm not myself when I'm at school. I feel stuck. Like it's not where I belong, do you understand what I mean?"

"You're a strong person, Luke. I know things seem rough right now, but I can assure you that everything's going to get better soon. Life can't always be bad, good things will come your way."

But what if things don't get better? What if things get worse?


I entered my room and dragged my body to my bed, letting myself fall on it backwards. I grabbed my phone and noticed I had three unread messages. btw is your name really luke ... well ok then


luke_is_a_penguin: Hey, sorry, I fell asleep last night. :-( please stop with the nose

luke_is_a_penguin: Stop judging me okay :---( so is your name luke

luke_is_a_penguin: No, I'm Gerald.

luke_is_a_penguin: Of course my name is Luke, duh i'm Calum ;) where are u from?

luke_is_a_penguin: How do I know you're not a 69 year old man who wants to rape me? 69 ;) ;)

luke_is_a_penguin: Why am I even talking to you -_- no but seriously i'm from sydney

Oh god.

luke_is_a_penguin: Same here. oh ;)

luke_is_a_penguin: I s2g if you don't stop with the winky faces I'll shove a cactus up your ass sassy, i love it

luke_is_a_penguin: -_- oh stop :) i'd like to see what you look like

luke_is_a_penguin: I'm ugly you don't want to see oh come on! don't be so hard with yourself i bet you're cute

luke_is_a_penguin: You should send a picture first. (Sent a new photo!)



I'm fucked.

I'm fucked for life.

This must be a joke.

Can I delete my life?

I'm talking with Calum Hood.


Heyyy :D

I'm sorry if this is really short but I hope you liked it! I promise the next chapters will be longer!

Sorry if there are any mistakes :/

Please comment and vote and all that jazz if you liked it! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME xxxxxxxxxxx :)

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