"Sir, sir, sir. Please back off. He is the one who wanted to misbehave with my girlfriend. She is not at fault", he tried to explain to the security.

Aera was thinking about something.

Soon, cops entered in the store.

If Chan and Kira were about to get in trouble, there could be only seven people who could save them.

She ran to them.

"Please don't do anything to my friends", she said while Chan glared at her.

"What are you doing Aera? Stay out of trouble", he mumbled in anger.

"I can't leave you two alone with the cops. There will be long legal procedures. Oppa will handle them. Please listen to me Chennie", she said.

He groaned in annoyance and anger.

"It was all because of you bastard", he muttered punching the man's face, successfully breaking his nose.

The cops held him.

If he is already in trouble, then fuck it.

He just added a little more.

"Get them to the police station", An officer commanded.

The police dragged the three friends and the man.

Nia and Tino watched everything from far away.

"Looks like the man did his job", Tino said.

"Precisely", Nia said with a smirk.

"So, you broke his arm for such a simple thing?", The inspector asked.

"It's not a simple thing, okay? He was trying to misbehave with her", Chan said garing at the man.

"I'm seeing thousands of these cases daily.  I know what is simple and what is not. Don't dare to raise your voice at me boy", The inspector said.

"And who is the little Miss here?", He asked licking his lips.

Chan stood up.

"You better mind your eyes", He said glaring at the inspector as he noticed, that the moment they stepped in his eyes never left Aera.

"Go and sit in your place. You are making things worse for you", The inspector said.

"I don't care. Send the girls home and I will take the legal procedures", Chan said with confidence.

"The audacity!", The inspector laughed.

"Go and sit in your place", the inspector stressed each word.

Chan sat next to Kira.

Kira was wrapping her arms around Aera as she was feeling scared in this place.

"What's your name?", The inspector asked Aera.

She kept looking down and mumbled, "Aera".

"Louder!", He screamed.

She flinched.

"Aera", she said with a shaky breath.

"Such a sweet name for such a sweet girl",  he said.

A tear slipped down her eye.

Kira hugged her.

"Call our guardians", Aera mumbled.

"I'm sorry?", The inspector asked.

"Call our guardians", she repeated clearly.

"Can't do", He said laughing.

"We are minors mister. You should call our guardians", she said with confidence.

"Let me have some fun. Then we'll see", The inspector said standing up.

Chan stood infront of the girls.

He was just an inch away from taking out his gun.

Someone barged in the room.

"Sir! They are here!", He said with a laboured breath.

"Who?", The inspector asked.

He opened the door to see the whole station on alert .

Everyone were stiff and sweating.

Four bikes entered in the venue, followed by shiny Black cars.

They shone against the lights as it was dark already.

One by one the cars parked infront of the station.

"My Oppa", Aera said smiling, looking up for the first time.

Princess - BTS Brothers FFWhere stories live. Discover now