︱ ♡ ꒰❝But is that okay?❞꒱

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Sydney turns the keys, making the car's engine turn off. She opens the door and kicks her way onto the ground. She goes towards the back of the van. She grabs onto the door latches and swings them open.

"Let's go." Sydney grabs a (light machine gun) and an (special). She dashes towards the building, but she squats near a section of boxes. She angrily stuffs ammo into her weapons and makes sure to secure more around herself.

Hoxton casually hops out of the back of the van, only to already have the (assault rifle) equipped against his side.

Houston whines as he scoots himself to the edge of the van. He lets his legs drop. He roams the van for what weapons were left, only the (submachine guns) were interesting enough to take. Houston jumps off the side and places the two weapons against his hip.

"Remember to actually reload when you start getting low on ammo this time." Hoxton rolls his eyes towards Houston.

"I always do that! You're the one who needs to keep track of his bullets... You always lose them!" Houston spits back while double checking if his submachine guns were actually loaded this time.

Hoxton waves Houston over, telling him to go faster. He tilted his head towards Sydney. Houston didn't get the clue though.

"Why are you waving your head around?" Houston squints his eyes.

"Sydney is waiting for us! Go faster!" Hoxton tsks as he tries to gain speed without losing Houston.

Sydney scouts the surrounding area before standing to the side of the door's entrance. She waves Houston and Hoxton towards her—not wanting to alert any guards if there were any.

Hoxton and Houston finally catch up, also pressing their backs against the wall. Houston elbows Hoxton to make more room for himself and to also peer into the door more easily.

Hoxton shoves him in return, wanting to stick his nose in the business too. Houston doesn't agree with the sudden hogging of door space, but he slams his heel into the British man's shin.

Hoxton stealthily hoots in pain, but quickly kicks back.

Sydney rolls her eyes and just steps into the little space of what was left of the doorway. Houston and Hoxton stop the tussle momentarily once they watch Sydney pass through, realizing that they were fully able to be seen in the doorway.

"These fackwits are a joke." Sydney roams around the first floor. She scans around the area to see if maybe anyone was hiding to ambush them.

"What do you mean?" Hoxton and Houston say in unison and shoot each other a glare.

"There's no security surrounding the fackin' building! There's nothing here on the first floor!" Sydney exclaims while pulling the two into a room just in case.

"So? Most of our heists are like that," Houston replies with confusion.

"It means we're dealing with pussy amateurs whose arrogance outmatches their wits," Sydney goes on to explain. "I bet they're thinkin' they can take us all on, but just ya wait..." Sydney trails off while walking around the room.

"But how is it different from a heist..." Houston says. In response Hoxton rolls his eyes and bumps him with his hip.

"It's a kidnapping."

"What?! So we're not even going to get paid for this?!" Houston gasps. He whips his head around in agony. "What the fuck, teabag! I'm not a charity!"

"SHIT FOR BRAINS, DALLAS LITERALLY TOLD US IT WAS A RESCUE MISSION," Hoxton's voice soared over Houston's head, but quiet down once Sydney hushed him.

꒰A Lesbian's꒱ Wine₊˚⊹ Joy x Sydney〖Payday 2〗Where stories live. Discover now