"Oh, that sounds sexy," Roy wiggled his eyebrows. Everyone glared at him. "What?"

"That's my sister you're talking about," Will said.

"Right... Guess I should watch my mouth, not that you're a threat at the moment."

"But I will be later and I have a good memory."

"Enough said," Roy stepped away. "By the way, your wolf friends showed up when we were carrying you two out and they wanted to thank you for getting rid of Evan."

Will laughed. "I imagine my clan won't be too happy about it though."

"I don't know; the guard I was sitting on seemed to be happy to be rid of him."

"But they'll be in disarray, running around like chickens with their heads cut off."

"That's... graphic. But anyway, I think you'd better rest more before worrying about them."

"I think my time is better off worrying about her," Will tried to sit up and Maggy pushed him back on the bed.

"Worrying about her doesn't help, it saps your energy," Maggy said, sitting down on the chair beside him and reaching for his hand again.

"But if you pulled me out, maybe she needs someone too."

"I've been beside her quite a bit," Jason said, brushing his fingers through her bangs. "But she hasn't responded to me at all..." his shoulders slumped.

"Jay..." Maggy reached a hand out to him and he took it. "I'm sure she'll be okay. Will is... so I think it'll just take longer. She is the one who drank the serum and was low on blood herself."

"Maggy's right," Roy nodded and patted Jason on the back.

"You kiddos are making too much noise. Why don't you head upstairs and let them rest?" Roy's father suggested, standing in the stairway. "I've made snacks and you two should probably get home; you have school tomorrow."

Jason kissed Samantha's forehead and headed upstairs with Roy. Maggy turned to Will, who gripped her hand.

"Thank you, Maggy."

She smiled at him. "I didn't do anything, really, but I'm glad if I did help even a tiny bit."

"You did help."

"I'm glad you're okay."

"We'll see on the okay part," Will sighed. Even if he healed completely, if Samantha didn't, he wouldn't be anywhere near okay.

"Um... I gotta ask... would you heal better if I—"

"Probably, but I think it's best if I don't drink from someone right now." In his weakened state, he didn't trust himself to keep his drinking in check.

"Oh... okay..."

"It's nothing against you, Maggy. Honestly, you've smelt delicious since the day I met you and I'd love to have a taste, but—"

"It's okay," Maggy pulled away from him. "I get it... I guess I should get going. I hope you feel better soon." She gave him a little wave and ran off to join the others upstairs.

"Tch... Why do things always have to be so complicated?"

"Hey, Mags, something wrong?" Roy cozied up to her, an arm around her shoulders.

"Nope," she said, holding back anything more.

"Do I really have to tell you again?" Jason poked Roy's shoulder and pointed at the arm around his sister.

"Come on, man; I ain't gonna hurt her. Besides, I was just worried since she seemed down. You don't have to make me seem like such a bad guy."

"I never said you were a bad guy, but you are a skirt chaser."

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