Is it hot there? I hope not, I wouldn't want you or any of the members to get some kind of heat injury. Is the conditioning hard? Are there ANY girls there? Sorry about so many questions, but I want to know from someone who is inside and experiencing this stuff. Please go to bed at a decent time and don't stay up. You must stay healthy; I can imagine you saying I sound like your mom lol. I'll be your mom if you don't listen; don't think I won't figure out some way to break in and smack you silly. Are the obstacle courses fun? I wish I was there with you. Maybe I could pack myself in a box and mail myself to you, then I could be with you. That will never happen, sadly.

Chuckling at Grace sounding just like my mom, "You most definitely do, Grace." I laughed really hard when she said she was thinking about mailing herself here.

Our performance went very well and was super exciting. Whenever you come back, you'll have a lot of performances and award shows to catch up on lol. You'll be very entertained for a while. We have a Run BTS episode coming up and school starts soon. Ugh, I hope Yeri isn't in my class. She is such a bully. Sorry for that, I needed to vent for a moment. Please let me know when you start training for shooting. I really want to know what kinds of guns you're using. Make sure you blow up some stuff; my dad said he had an automatic grenade gun and he was only supposed to shoot one at a time at an old World War II Russian tank, but instead when his drill sergeant wasn't looking, my dad held the trigger down and it went, boom boom boom! Then in the distance the tank exploded in a big ball of flames and smoke. It sounded pretty epic. Let me know how well your target practice is ;).

I miss you guys so much! It's so quiet in the mornings now that y'all are gone. I don't know how I'll survive two years; I can barely survive three weeks! I'm sending you a bunch of stamps in this envelope so you can write back. Just let me know when you're about to run out so I can send you some more. I love and miss you all so much! Stay safe and we'll talk to you soon!




Smiling to myself as I reread the letter several more times, rubbing my thumb over the black letters tenderly. Carefully folding the letter back up and stashing it in the very back of my tiny dresser, careful not to bend the envelope. Walking out of our barracks, I went to the tiny Army post office and got some paper and envelopes, along with a pen. Filled with excitement to write back to her, I hurried back to the barracks, the sun going down in the distance. Recruits and soldiers were walking back and forth over the dirt road, going to barracks or reporting to places for duty.

Opening the door, Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi were already there, looking worn out as they lay sprawled on their beds; there were three other recruits there that I hadn't really had the chance to talk to because we have been so busy with training. Climbing back up onto my bunk that was above Jin's, I used a book that I had brought to write. Picking up the book, a picture fell out. Recognizing it as a photo of Grace driving Taehyung's car, her ebony black hair flowing in the wind. Rubbing my thumb on it, a few tears fell from my eyes onto my lap. Her joy was evident in her smile and how I wish I could see it one more time, in person. Picking up the pen, I started writing.


Dear Grace,

I miss you guys so much; send me a picture of you performing please. I know you did amazing, especially on your rap part. I'm very glad my exercises helped you, but you don't need them, you're already so confident, more confident than me jamae. Yes, I have had our barracks messed up by our drill sergeant, God I almost busted an eardrum. I never knew a guy could scream so loud!

Yes, it is hot most days and it is almost always sunny here, without a cloud in the sky. Beautiful, yes, but torturous. Never a break from the sun; but at least I know it is making me stronger and I know I'm serving my country. The conditioning is hard, especially in the heat but they do make sure we're healthy and don't get sick. Yes, there are female recruits but they are on the other side of base. I haven't had the chance to even go over there yet, but I have seen some women running and they are SCARY. All of us guys were like, "Women like this exist?". I swear, most of the women looked ready to kill someone. You don't want to mess with them.

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