Chapter 26: Saylor

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***NOTE*** 18+ content. Reader discretion advised.


I gasped as Dion held me, kissing me as though we hadn't seen each other in months rather than days. He pressed me back against my closed door, his lips slow, yet eager, then quick and intense as he aligned his body flush with mine. Everything in me was trembling as I tugged at the hem of his sweater, and he stepped back to pull it over his head with a loud sigh.

"Man it was so hot in that thing..."

Laughing out loud, I watched him fan himself, my hand reaching out to skim over his bare chest. He stopped fanning at my touch, as my fingers slid over his hot skin, that bod that I'd only caught glimpses of.

"Do I still look like Zac Efron?" He asked as my finger trailed south toward his navel, and I paused to laugh.

"No. You look like that guy named Dion, who's way hotter."

He rolled his eyes but was grinning. Stepping away from the door, I took his hand and led him toward the closed door across from us. He followed, dropping his shirt onto his bag on the floor before we entered and I closed the door behind us. Though his eyes took a moment to scan my room, with its brick walls on two sides, band posters, and lifelike peacock printed on my duvet, his gaze didn't linger as they fell back on me.

He moved toward me with slow, intentional grace, until the back of my knees hit the bed. I dropped to sit, and he pursued me as I eased myself backward on my elbows until my head hit the pillows and he was crawling over me. Took him half a second to find my lips again, and only a second more to peel up my shirt and bra, not to my chin this time, but up and over my head, being mindful of my arm, before he tossed them behind him. Giggling at the starved look in his eyes, I slid a hand up through his hair, gasping as he found my lips again.

Resting his elbows on either side of me, his hips snug between my own, he kissed me deeply, passionately, then trailed his mouth away, down my jaw, my throat, my collar bones, where he gently sucked a breast into his mouth. Tingles exploded from the top of my head to the tips of my twelve toes as he teased the tip of one while one hand skimmed in torturously slow circles over the other, making heat pool to a certain place between his rigid hips. I was almost certain I was going to die and lay gasping when he lifted up after a moment or two, looking down at me with lust and love and wonder.

"Do you really get so much pleasure just from that?" He bent to flick his tongue over one breast and my whole body shuddered.

"It's something I've never experienced before, don't make it awkward."

I'd have thought he'd smile at that, but instead he cocked his head, brows drawn as he lay above me, gasping. "Have you ever orgasmed?"

Feeling the flush of embarrassment creep into my cheeks, I looked away as I shook my head. "Mike never made me... um. He thought that if I enjoyed sex it would make me more inclined to cheat, so..."

The long sigh he let out wasn't quite readable, but when I met his eyes again, they were wild with mischief. "Oh, I really hope I bump into him one day... Until then, my lady, allow me to show you what you have been missing."

My heart nearly burst out of my chest as he bent his head over me again, touching and tasting until I was halfway to begging for mercy. His hand slid down my side to my shorts, fingers skimming over the button, which he quickly undid while his mouth continued its torture.

"Dion..." I breathed, and he glanced up at me, both of us panting. "Protection."

"Oop..." He leaned up to his knees and began digging through his jeans pockets, where he produced a single, blue-wrapped condom. "Fifty cents out of a machine in the airport bathroom."

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