what could more horrible than the guys leaving us for two years?





its that time of the month

sooo we might all start together...again


omg I just started today too!


oh god

this sucks...first we find out the guys are leaving and then this


it literally couldn't get any worse



ig we'll just suffer together



I trudged out of my room and saw Abby sitting on a bar stool, resting her elbows on the table, a depressed look on her face.

"Hey." I slid onto a stool beside her.

She glanced up, "Hey." she turned her head and rested her cheek on her arms, squishing her cheek.

"Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon are getting fitted for their uniforms. Taehyung and Jimin are getting their health checked. And I don't know what Hoseok and Jungkook are doing." I remarked.

"I don't know what their doing either."

I sighed, "I need to go put some stuff on." I hopped of the stool and walked into our bathroom. Opening up the cabinet where we held the pads and stuff, I was shocked to find an empty box. Throwing it in the trash, I yelled out of the bathroom, "Abby! You left an empty box in the cabinet again! And we're out of pads!"

"What!" I heard her response and she quickly appeared in the bathroom. She rummaged through the cabinet only to find nothing. "Ugh. Let's go ask Minji or Jisoo and see if either one of them could get us some pads." she said.

"Yeah, good idea." I ran into my room and grabbed my phone.


hey, minnie



i just started too and I can barely get out of bed I feel so terrible


oh im sry abt that

i was gonna u if u could pick up some pads but nevermind now that ur sick


its okay

i totally would if i didn't feel like trash.

Abby walked into my room with her phone, "Any luck?"

I shook my head, "You?" she shook her head.

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath. I was trying to think of who we could ask; I looked up in a flash, "I know, we could call Hoseok. He has a sister, so he should understand. He's probably had to help her before."

"Good idea. Then it won't be awkward." I quickly pulled up his number and called him. It rang for a long time before his voicemail picked up. "Ugh." I called him again. No answer.

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