Song 12

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The Death Of Love
Hana Hate
Nothing ends well in love

I looked out my window today
And I realized how much hate and greed there was
Life is the death of love
Take something good and watch it die
Nothing ever lasts forever they say
But that's only true for the good things
For hate will always stay
Love turns to hate
Oh why must it be this way
Why can't we all just love peacefully
But what is peace
And how do I know if it's real
Or just some delusion my mind is creating
Because it's real good at doing that
Well I want you but you don't want peace
And the only thing you bring me is stress
You didn't love me
I wasn't good enough for you
Now I'm starting to hate you too
And just like that
Another good thing is gone
Nothing lasts forever they say
But that's not true about hate
A simple grudge can bury you alive
This is the death of love
It's not meant to last
So drop your love notes
And give up your name
Stop playing this game
Raise your swords
Get your guns
And fire at will
Kill who you will
War, war, give me a good war
Love is a war because
You have to fight to get any
And war is hateful
So does that make love and hate equal
To each other
Or am I going crazy
Please just tell me I'm going crazy
I hope I'm just going crazy
Or being alive would be useless
Why am I alive
Will anyone ever know the
Answer the answers to any of
These questions
Are they all stupid
This is the death of love
Drop your love notes
Give up your name
And quit the game

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