song 11

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Life of the hermit
Hana Hate
Nothing ends well in love

You stare at me and I'll stare back
No words ever said between us
Even though I had pages to say to you
I just couldn't go through
Fear controlls me and I can't stop it
Here I am again talking to myself
For the twelfth time today because no one seems
To have time for me or willing to be seen with me
Keep my head low and walk by
Why don't I try dying
Nothing important ever happens to me
No one is ever romantically interested in me
I used to try, I tried but I got no where
I'm wasting all my time, or is it them
No one loves me and I stand alone
I spend hours crying alone
Where the world can't see me
I hate myself for still loving you
Your never with me always far away
Life will pass me by, life is passing me by
I'm already in my own grave
Give me a week or two and you'll never see of me again
He smokes a cigarette but doesn't come kiss me goodnight
He just passed me on by like all the other's do
It's pointless to say anything
Hell I have already ruined everything
Your the angel from my dreams
With tears already at my knees
Please make me clean again
As the guitar kicks in
And the drums pound
I can slowly feel my life end
Am I going to the heavens where you are
Or will I just be stuck in the fucking ground
Let me know, let me know, let me know

Return of my screamo vocals

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