Song 6

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The devil died
And he's wanting me to give him so much more
Why isn't it ever enough nothing I ever do is enough for you
He said that he loved me but sentenced to a hell of my own
Taking away all the ones I loves saying I can't be loved
How did it get to this why did it have to get to this
Oh how he loves to torture me
Why can't you just let me die
Or does it please you to watch
Sadistic and cold
Are you sick from the things you have sold
Like me and him and her
You took me away
And I believed all the things you said
You are the devil in disguise
Put on some skin and change your name
Learn our ways and adapt so quickly
But behind closed doors your
True form comes to life
Erupting from the inside
You can't tell right from wrong
And your heart is unable to love
Not shattered when
Everyone around you is dying
And sick of all the crying
And inside it's the devil
That your hiding
You are the reason I'm in pain
Your the reason I have grown so numb
I hope you die
You have been digging your own grave
For quite some time now
And it's finally caught up to you now
You can't escape what you have got your
Self into this time
You can't escape this time
No you can't escape this time
You won't escape this time
So don't even try
Because your going to die
Your going to die
Your going to fucking die tonight
In the white of my eyes
If you look carefully
You can see how you'll die tonight
The devil died tonight
He died tonight
In my eyes
In the vain of the world

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