.return to innocence.

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.hogwarts is my home.

Everything was bright, happy even. Thousands of candles hung in the air, lighting the Great Hall with a golden glow. Banners from each house were hung all throughout the grand chamber, proudly representing their students.

Seven years I had been at this school. As I looked back, it seemed like such a short time. I remembered walking into this hall for the first time, a terrified child. Fearing the wrath of my mother and father if I was not sorted into the correct house. Not much had really changed, it seemed. I was departing these halls terrified, though the terrors I now faced were no significantly darker.

Branded and marked by death. It was how I would leave these walls.

I took a deep breath, trying to push away the dread that threatened to overcome me. Instead I focused on tonight. This last moment in the only safe place I had ever known.

The hall was grand. The high table at the front had been taken away and replaced by throne-like chairs. Each Professor was seated and dressed in their finest robes. And standing proudly before them was Dumbledore's owl lectern. It's ornate wings extended as if in mid-flight. It's shimmering gold feathers almost blended in with the golden glow of the candlelight.

It was tradition for either the Head Boy or Head Girl to take part in the commencement proceedings and address the student body, along with Professor Dumbledore. I hadn't been particularly thrilled about the idea, so Regulus graciously agreed to do it, not wanting me to be too stressed out about anything else.

A hundred seats sat in the forefront of the room, and then chairs for all of the family members attending were lined up row by row until the back of the hall. The ghosts had even made an appearance and were entertaining the audience by performing formation gliding.

There was a happy chatter that reverberated off the walls. Parents who were proud of their children, and bragging about their accomplishments. students who were excited to start their new lives and gushing about their prospects. I didn't have it in my heart to join the merriment. I couldn't find it within myself to be happy as the rest of them were. I was not excited to leave these walls. I was terrified. Part of me wanted to put my hand on the staircase and perform an unsticking charm so that they could never make me leave.

I felt myself start to spiral into that dark pit that so often beckoned to me. But then I felt warmth at my side. A reassuring presence surrounded me as Regulus slipped his hand into mine. I turned to look up at him, struck by the way he looked as the golden glow reflected off of him. I normally associated him with the colors of midnight. Silver as the stars, dark as the night sky, pale as the moon. But tonight. The golden haze suited him. It brought life to his features. Accentuated the fire in his eyes, and the dimples on his cheeks. He squeezed my hand, trying to comfort me enough to hold it together. I felt a sad smile slide onto my face.

And even without words, he understood. Out of anyone present, he knew what this day meant because he felt it too. He felt the same beckoning of the darkness. The same fear of being pulled away from safety. The terror of knowing the life that awaited us.

But as I looked into his eyes, his loving compassionate, fire filled eyes, I felt the dread dissipate slightly. Because as much fear and uncertainty as there was for our future, there would also be joy and there would be love because we had each other. We had made a sacred vow to one another, and that vow would ensure some humanity remained in my life.

A fanfare sounded in the Great Hall, making me jump a little. It summoned all to stand, and immediately, all attention turned to the entrance of the chamber where we waited. Professor McGonagall gestured to me and Regulus to walk into the hall first. As Head Boy and Girl we were responsible for leading the procession of students. I clung tightly to Regulus's hand, and he steadied me as we walked together through the Great Hall one last time.

Love, Life, And Lies- Regulus BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora