I opened my mouth in protest only to have Alice stop me with her lips on mine again. This time, cocooned in Jasper's arms I pressed into the kiss and the pixie made a pleasurable noise against me as I pushed my tongue into her mouth.

We pulled away at the same time, my breathing heavy. She had a silly smile on her face.

"Yes, Isabel, it's been a whole day! I wasn't worried, since yesterday I can see you now, so I knew you'd wake up."

My hand moved to my wrist where my bracelet had been. "Mm, you need to explain how that worked, my lovely, but my turn first.

Your dad knows you're here; he was very agreeable to you sleeping over, we even get to take you to school tomorrow." She winked at me before continuing, "As for that crash, that was our brother, he's just a tad upset."

I knew immediately who she was talking about, "Edward." Alice nodded though when I glanced back at Jasper, he seemed confused. I took a deep breath and felt Alice squeeze my hand in silent encouragement. Of course, my pixie had seen this conversation or a variant of it anyway.

"I know everything about you guys. I know what you are, and I also know you'd never hurt me. I know Edward craves my blood and that is probably why he seems to think I belong to him,"

Jasper growled behind me, tightening his grip slightly while Alice simply scowled and shook her head. "He doesn't want to listen to anyone in the family. We both know you're ours, he's even read it in our minds, but he still thinks he has a claim on you because you're his singer!"

"Alice!" Jasper tensed behind me but I just leaned further into him.

"What do you mean by "I'm yours?" This was different for sure; the books were all about Bella being Edward's mate. How could it be that I wasn't his mate, and could someone have two mates?

Maybe when I came here things changed. I was all for it. If I was their mate, I could have both of them and I knew that vampires loved with everything in them, I wasn't worried that our love wouldn't be equal, it probably already was.

Alice just waved Jasper off, smiling as she scooted closer, giving me and Jasper both a quick kiss.

"You're our mate, silly. You already know this; you felt it, even if you didn't know what it meant."

I turned my head to Jasper and smiled. "I do love you, both of you. I denied it for a while, but I had to accept it eventually. I never expected to actually have a chance though."

Alice squealed and pulled me in for another kiss, her lips almost fusing to mine. "I love you too, Isabel."

I smiled, my brain completely mush, before I could react though, Jasper turned my head to kiss me as well. Somewhere in the back of my mind I realised that I might never have a coherent thought again, not if my mates kept kissing me like this. "I love you too, my darling."

I smiled, my head spinning as Jasper pulled me tighter against him, and Alice pressed tighter at my front. I was effectively wrapped up in vampire, each of them breathing in my scent at either side of my neck.

I was happy, completely ecstatic, nothing could ever ruin this moment for me.

I had no idea how long we'd been just lying there; I was too content to do anything but breathe in the scents of my two mates, I wondered idly how they'd smell if I were a vampire, but the thought was chased away by a knock sounding in the silence around us.

Alice sat up, her golden eyes twinkling. "Rosalie and our mother have breakfast ready for you, Isabel. Are you hungry?"

The thought of food was appealing, but I felt too comfortable, scrunching my nose I just nodded. "Yes, food sounds great."

We stood together, Alice leading the way with Jasper at my back, his hand on the small of my back.

Alice chatted away about nonsense, just filling the silence, as we made our way into the kitchen. I had expected to see Esme there, but instead there was Rosalie making me a plate, Emmett, ever doting, watching her from one of the stools at the counter.

Once I was seated, Rosalie put my plate in front of me, her smile radiant and so sincere, I faltered.

"Isabella, I..I'm sorry, up until yesterday I was set against bringing you into the family. This isn't the life I would have chosen, but you aren't me and deserve to make your own choices. I can only offer advice, but I'm so thankful to you, not only for saving me, but also for loving my brother and sister."

I smiled but before I could respond Rosalie hugged me and then left the kitchen.

Emmett chuckled, "Rose isn't one for mushy feelings, but thanks Isabel, for saving my girl."

I watched him leave, and then picked up my fork to start on the food. It was delicious; it was strange eating something made for me, something I hadn't conjured for myself.

My mind turned to Rosalie's acceptance; would she vote for me when I'm changed. Will I even be changed?

I finished my food in record time and before anyone could say anything I turned to my mates. "Are you going to turn me?"

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