Chapter 3

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👤 Graphite World 👤

Taehyung POV

They might be a regular at the café too... so I've literally have no reason to read on for now. But I do anyway. I start from the very first page I find writing on.

05.January 2023

Dear Diary,
You exist because I have given up on telling anyone whatever it is that is on my mind. It has become a new years revolution of highest priority after my best friend Yuna and I have fallen out once again. I'm already kinda late I know but I don't have much to say anyway thanks to winter holidays.

My older brother, the golden child, is still away in London and sent only a card. Yet he's more respected than me just because I have refused to go to church. My parents want to hear none of my opinion that was 'ruined by the internet' and of course 'sex ed' in school. So I'm locked in my room without phone and laptop which is why I've finally started this journal out of absolute bordem.

I hope I will write again when there is some news. Until then...

...Goodbye, dear diary.

Well sounds like their parents are annoying as hell. The kind of conservative that think nothing is true or valid unless it's written in this book that was published thousands of years ago and translated even more often.

10. January

Dear Diary,
Shit is going down. School has not yet started but drama between the students has moved over to Instagram now. A picture has been uploaded that shows the school's absolute it girl smooching some junior in a hot tub. The photo is hella grainy, making me wonder who has this old of a phone. So really it could be anyone with a similar hair and body type as her but her boyfriend is wrecking havoc in the comments. I always thought he had anger issues. He has declared that he will kill that junior and win back his princesses heart. Man in what time are we living in.

Anyway this makes me excited for school again, can't wait to see that drama first hand.

And about that situation with my now ex bestfriend... nothing has changed

Until next time dear diary

Whoever this person is, I like them already. Yet it's kinda weird to be looking into somebody's head like this. Again, I'm reminded that I should just actually not read on but I've decided that it's too late now. No wonder this book is so full, they started it at the start of this year. But the reason why hurt my heart. I do not know this person but somehow I want them to not be alone, I hope they and their best friend work it out soon. Even if I know there'll be more drama later down the line.

I'm also on winter break soon, how weird to read somebody's thoughts from almost a year ago... I can't wait for the snow to fall. I just wish I had somebody to watch the first snow with... But I've got this far without love so whatever. I'll live.

I take back my statement. School has decided to end my life. The amount of exams they have shoved into the next 3 weeks is bollics. I study by day in the library with Joonie, or at least I try to... grab dinner later than everybody else and comfort myself with reading the journal. The only good thing that has come out of this is that I get to avoid any social contact at home and eat in peace in my room. With nobody driving me and the bus being quite limited in time slots I have not been able to return to my café and look for the owner of the book.

For some reason I'm not that sad about this fact....

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